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International Year of Chemistry 2011: Louis Pasteur in His Laboratory: Entry of Chemistry into Medicine




If an image of a scientific discipline depends on its eminent representatives, Louis Pasteur (1822–1895), a chemist by training, is the epitome of such a person. This article celebrates, through his achievement, the entry of chemistry into modern medicine. Pasteur was a graduate of école Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he later spent the years 1857 through 1867 as director of studies and where, at Rue d'Ulm, he had his laboratory. He also worked in Dijon, Strasbourg, and Lille. He was professor of chemistry at the Sorbonne from 1867 to 1875.Pasteur's first important work was a demonstration of the chirality of tartaric acid. Subsequently, he developed an interest in fermentation, a subject around which the emerging germ theory clashed with the theory of spontaneous generation. In 1859, Pasteur proved, through ingenious experiments, the existence of germs and spores in the air. The results were presented to the Academy of Science in 1862 as Memorandum on Organic Corpuscles Existing in the Atmosphere and provided major support for the germ theory. Pasteur moved on to investigate the maladies of wine, a work that led to the development of …
机译:如果一门科学学科的形象取决于其杰出的代表,那么受过训练的化学家路易斯·巴斯德(Louis Pasteur,1822-1895年)就是这种人的缩影。本文通过他的成就来庆祝化学进入现代医学。巴斯德(Pasteur)毕业于巴黎高等师范学校(巴黎高等师范学院),随后在1857年至1867年间担任研究主任,并在乌尔姆(Rue d'Ulm)的实验室里工作。他还在第戎,斯特拉斯堡和里尔工作。 1867年至1875年,他担任索邦大学的化学教授。巴斯德的第一项重要工作是证明酒石酸的手性。随后,他对发酵产生了兴趣,围绕这一话题,新兴的细菌理论与自发产生理论发生了冲突。 1859年,巴斯德通过精巧的实验证明了空气中细菌和孢子的存在。研究结果于1862年作为“大气中存在的有机微粒的备忘录”提交给科学院,并为细菌学理论提供了重要支持。巴斯德继续研究葡萄酒的弊病,这项工作促成了葡萄酒的发展。



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