首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >The tumour|[ndash]|stromal interaction between intratumoral c-Met and stromal hepatocyte growth factor associated with tumour growth and prognosis in non-small-cell lung cancer patients

The tumour|[ndash]|stromal interaction between intratumoral c-Met and stromal hepatocyte growth factor associated with tumour growth and prognosis in non-small-cell lung cancer patients




Immunohistochemical analyses of the effects of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and c-Met expression on tumour growth and angiogenesis were performed on 88 patients with non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs). In all, 22 carcinomas (25.0%) were intratumoral HGF-positive, 14 carcinomas (15.9%) were stromal HGF-positive, and 36 carcinomas (40.9%) were intratumoral c-Met-positive. None of the carcinomas were stromal c-Met-positive. Examination of tumour growth revealed that the frequency of tumours with a high Ki-67 index was significantly greater for stromal HGF-positive tumours than for stromal HGF-negative tumours (P=0.0197). The frequency of tumours with a high Ki-67 index was also significantly greater for intratumoral c-Met-positive tumours than for intratumoral c-Met-negative tumours (P=0.0301). However, there was no significant difference in tumour vascularity with relation to intratumoral HGF status, stromal HGF status, and intratumoral c-Met status. The survival rate of patients with intratumoral c-Met-positive tumours was significantly lower than for patients with c-Met-negative tumours (P=0.0095). Furthermore, the survival rate of patients with both intratumoral c-Met-positive and stromal HGF-positive tumours was significantly lower than for patients with either positive tumours, and that of patients with both negative tumours (P=0.0183 and P=0.0011, respectively). A univariate analysis revealed that intratumoral c-Met expression was a significant prognostic factor of NSCLC patients (relative risk=2.642, P=0.0029). The present study demonstrates that tumour–stromal interaction between tumour cell-derived c-Met and stromal cell-derived HGF affects tumour growth and the prognosis of NSCLC patients.
机译:对88例非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者进行了肝细胞生长因子(HGF)和c-Met表达对肿瘤生长和血管生成的影响的免疫组织化学分析。肿瘤内HGF阳性共22例(25.0%),间质HGF阳性14例(15.9%),肿瘤内c-Met阳性36例(40.9%)。所有癌症都不是间质c-Met阳性。肿瘤生长检查显示,间质HGF阳性肿瘤的Ki-67指数高的肿瘤的频率显着高于间质HGF阴性肿瘤(P = 0.0197)。 Ki-67指数高的肿瘤发生率在肿瘤内c-Met阳性肿瘤中也明显高于在肿瘤内c-Met阴性肿瘤中(P = 0.0301)。然而,与肿瘤内HGF状态,基质HGF状态和肿瘤内c-Met状态相关的肿瘤血管没有显着差异。肿瘤内c-Met阳性肿瘤患者的生存率显着低于c-Met阴性肿瘤患者(P = 0.0095)。此外,肿瘤内c-Met阳性和基质HGF阳性的患者的生存率均显着低于任何一个阳性肿瘤和两个阴性肿瘤的患者(分别为P = 0.0183和P = 0.0011) )。单因素分析显示,肿瘤内c-Met表达是NSCLC患者的重要预后因素(相对危险度= 2.642,P = 0.0029)。本研究表明,肿瘤细胞衍生的c-Met和基质细胞衍生的HGF之间的肿瘤-基质相互作用会影响肿瘤的生长和NSCLC患者的预后。



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