首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Cancer >Magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of skeletal metastases in patients with breast cancer

Magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of skeletal metastases in patients with breast cancer




Eighty-four patients with breast cancer at high risk of bone metastases were investigated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the thoracolumbar spine. Of 58 patients with normal limited skeletal surveys (LSS) and bone scans (BS), 4 (7%) had MR images compatible with malignant infiltration. Fourteen patients had abnormal bone scans with normal or non-diagnostic plain films; 7 of these patients (50%) had MR images compatible with malignant infiltration. Twelve patients had single or multiple wedge collapses of uncertain aetiology on plain film; MR demonstrated metastatic disease as the cause of wedge collapse in 7 (58%). MRI may define a group of patients with extra-osseous relapse who have occult metastatic disease. Although the detection rate in patients with primary breast cancer is low (4/45), MRI is of value in determining the cause of wedge collapse in postmenopausal women with breast cancer and may elucidate the cause of an abnormal bone scan with normal or non-diagnostic plain films.
机译:通过胸腰椎磁共振成像(MRI)研究了八十四例具有高骨转移风险的乳腺癌患者。在58例具有有限骨骼检查(LSS)和骨扫描(BS)正常的患者中,有4例(7%)的MR图像与恶性浸润兼容。 14名患者的骨扫描异常,且平片正常或无诊断;这些患者中有7名(50%)的MR图像与恶性浸润相容。 12名患者在平片上出现了单因或多因病因不明的楔形塌陷。 MR证实有转移性疾病是楔形塌陷的原因,有7例(58%)。 MRI可以定义一组骨外复发的隐匿性转移性疾病。尽管原发性乳腺癌患者的检出率较低(4/45),但MRI对于确定绝经后乳腺癌患者楔形塌陷的原因很有价值,并且可以阐明正常或非正常女性的骨扫描异常的原因。诊断平片。



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