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Preventing the preventable through effective surveillance: the case of diphtheria in a rural district of Maharashtra, India




Background Epidemic diphtheria is still poorly understood and continues to challenge both developing and developed countries. In the backdrop of poor immunization coverage, non-existent adult boosters, weak case based surveillance and persistence of multiple foci, there is a heightened risk of re-emergence of the disease in epidemic forms in India. Investigating each outbreak to understand the epidemiology of the disease and its current status in the country is therefore necessary. Dhule a predominantly tribal and rural district in Northern Maharashtra has consistently recorded low vaccination coverages alongside sporaidic cases of diphtheria over the last years. Methods This study reports the findings of an onsite survey conducted to assess a recent outbreak of diphtheria in Dhule district and the response mounted to it. Secondary data regarding outbreak detection and response were obtained from the district surveillance office. Clinical data were extracted from hospital records of eleven lab confirmed cases including one death case. Frequency distributions were calculated for each identified clinical and non- clinical variable using Microsoft? Excel? 2010. Results Our findings suggest a shift in the median age of disease to adolescents (10-15?years) without gender differences. Two cases (18%) reported disease despite immunization. Clinical symptoms included cough (82%), fever (73%), and throat congestion (64%). About 64% and 36% of the 11 confirmed cases presented with a well defined pseudomembrane and a tonsillar patch respectively. Drug resistance was observed in all three culture positive cases. One death occurred despite the administration of Anti-Diphtheric Serum in a partially immunized case (CFR 9%). Genotyping and toxigenicity of strain was not possible due to specimen contamination during transport as testing facilities were unavailable in the district. Conclusions The outbreak raises several concerns regarding the epidemiology of diphtheria in Dhule. The reason for shift in the median age despite consistently poor immunization coverage (below 50%) remains unclear. Concomitant efforts should now focus on improving and monitoring primary immunization and booster coverages across all age groups. Gradually introducing adult immunization at ten year intervals may become necessary to prevent future vulnerabilities. Laboratory networks for genotyping and toxigenicity testing are urgently mandated at district level given the endemicity of the disease in the surrounding region and its recent introduction in remote Dhule. Contingency funds with pre- agreements to obtain ADS and DT/Td vaccines at short notice and developing standard case management protocols at district level are necessary. Monitoring the disease, emerging strains and mutations, alongside drug resistance through robust and effective surveillance is a pragmatic way forward.
机译:背景流行的白喉仍然知之甚少,并继续挑战着发展中国家和发达国家。在免疫接种覆盖率低,成年加强免疫力缺乏,基于病例的监测薄弱以及多个病灶持续存在的背景下,印度该病再次流行为流行病的风险更高。因此,必须调查每一次暴发以了解该疾病的流行病学及其在该国的当前状况。在过去的几年中,杜勒县(Dhule)是马哈拉施特拉邦北部的一个主要部落和农村地区,其疫苗接种率一直较低,白喉零星。方法该研究报告了一项现场调查的结果,该调查旨在评估Dhule地区最近爆发的白喉及其应对措施。有关爆发检测和响应的辅助数据是从地区监视办公室获得的。从11例实验室确诊病例(包括1例死亡病例)的医院记录中提取临床数据。使用Microsoft?计算每个确定的临床和非临床变量的频率分布。 Excel? 2010年。结果我们的研究结果表明,在没有性别差异的情况下,疾病的中位年龄转移到了青少年(10-15岁)。尽管有免疫接种,但仍有2例(18%)报告疾病。临床症状包括咳嗽(82%),发烧(73%)和喉咙充血(64%)。在11例确诊病例中,分别约有64%和36%出现了明确的假膜和扁桃体贴片。在所有三个培养阳性病例中均观察到耐药性。尽管在部分免疫的病例中施用了抗白喉血清,但仍有1例死亡(CFR 9%)。由于在运输过程中样本污染,无法进行菌株的基因分型和产毒性,因为该地区没有测试设备。结论疫情引发了人们对杜勒白喉流行病学的担忧。尽管免疫覆盖率一直很差(低于50%),但中位年龄发生变化的原因仍不清楚。现在,相应的工作应集中在改善和监测所有年龄段的初次免疫和加强免疫方面。为防止将来出现漏洞,有必要每隔十年逐步引入成人免疫接种。考虑到该病在周边地区的普遍性以及其最近在偏远的Dhule的引入,在地区级迫切需要进行基因分型和产毒性测试的实验室网络。必须有应急资金,以便在短时间内获得ADS和DT / Td疫苗的预先协议,并在地区一级制定标准的病例管理规程。通过强有力而有效的监视来监测疾病,新出现的毒株和突变以及耐​​药性是一种务实的前进道路。



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