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Evaluating the effectiveness of a training program that builds teachers’ capability to identify and appropriately refer middle and high school students with mental health problems in Brazil: an exploratory study




Background In Brazil, like many countries, there has been a failure to identify mental health problems (MHP) in young people and refer them to appropriate care and support. The school environment provides an ideal setting to do this. Therefore, effective programs need to be developed to train teachers to identify and appropriately refer children with possible MHP. We aimed to evaluate teachers’ ability to identify and appropriately refer students with possible MHP, and the effectiveness of a psychoeducational strategy to build teachers’ capability in this area. Methods To meet the first objective, we conducted a case-control study using a student sample. To meet the second, we employed longitudinal design with repeated measures before and after introducing the psychoeducational strategy using a teacher sample. In the case control study, the Youth Self-Report was used to investigate internalizing and externalizing problems. Before training, teachers selected 26 students who they thought were likely to have MHP. Twenty-six non-selected students acted as controls and were matched by gender, age and grade. The underlying principle was that if teachers could identify abnormal behaviors among their actual students, those with some MHP would likely be among the case group and those without among the control group. In the longitudinal study, 32 teachers were asked to evaluate six vignettes that highlighted behaviors indicating a high risk for psychosis, depression, conduct disorder, hyperactivity, mania, and normal adolescent behavior. We calculated the rates of correct answers for identifying the existence of some MHP and the need for referral before and after training; teachers were not asked to identify the individual conditions. Results Teachers were already able to identify the most symptomatic students, who had both internalizing and externalizing problems, as possibly having MHP, but teachers had difficulty in identifying students with internalizing problems alone. At least 50.0% of teachers learned to identify hypothetical cases as problematic and to make the appropriate referral, and 60.0% of teachers who before training could not identify normal adolescence learned to do so. Conclusions The strategy was partially effective but could be improved mainly by extending its duration, and including discussion of actual cases.
机译:背景技术在巴西,与许多国家一样,未能发现年轻人的精神健康问题(MHP),也没有为他们提供适当的护理和支持。学校环境为实现这一目标提供了理想的环境。因此,需要制定有效的计划来培训教师,以识别并适当推荐可能患有MHP的儿童。我们旨在评估教师识别和适当推荐可能具有MHP的学生的能力,以及旨在建立教师在这一领域能力的心理教育策略的有效性。方法为了实现第一个目标,我们使用学生样本进行了病例对照研究。为了满足第二个要求,我们在采用教师样本介绍心理教育策略前后,采用了重复设计的纵向设计。在案例对照研究中,青年自我报告用于调查内部和外部问题。在培训之前,老师选择了26位他们认为可能具有MHP的学生。 26名非选拔学生作为对照,并按性别,年龄和等级进行匹配。基本原则是,如果教师能够在实际学生中识别出异常行为,则具有MHP的学生很可能属于病例组,而没有对照组的学生则可能属于病例组。在纵向研究中,要求32名老师评估六个晕影,这些晕影突出显示了表示精神病,抑郁,品行障碍,多动症,躁狂症和正常青少年行为的高风险行为。我们计算出正确答案的比率,以识别某些MHP的存在以及培训前后的转诊需求。老师没有被要求确定个人情况。结果教师已经能够识别出同时具有内在性和外在性问题的大多数有症状的学生,可能有MHP,但教师很难单独识别出具有内在性问题的学生。至少有50.0%的教师学会了将假设的案例识别为有问题的案例,并进行了适当的转介,还有60.0%的在培训之前无法识别正常青春期的教师学会了这样做。结论该策略是部分有效的,但可以通过延长其持续时间并包括讨论实际案例来加以改进。



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