首页> 外文期刊>BMJ Open >A community cohort study about childhood social and economic circumstances: racial/ethnic differences and associations with educational attainment and health of older adults

A community cohort study about childhood social and economic circumstances: racial/ethnic differences and associations with educational attainment and health of older adults




Objectives Typical measures of childhood socioeconomic status (SES), such as father's occupation, have limited the ability to elucidate mechanisms by which childhood SES affects adult health. Mechanisms could include schooling experiences or work opportunities. Having previously used qualitative methods for concept development, we developed new retrospective measures of multiple domains of childhood social and economic circumstances in ethnically diverse older adults. We administered the new measures in a large sample and explored their association with adult SES. Design We used a cross-sectional survey design with a community sample. Setting The San Francisco Bay Area in California. Participants 400 community-dwelling adults from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds (Whites, African Americans, Latinos and Asians/Pacific Islanders) aged 55 and older (mean=67?years); 61% were women. Primary and secondary outcome measures We measured attitudes towards schooling, extracurricular activities and adult encouragement and discouragement during the childhood/teen years. Bivariate analysis tested racial/ethnic differences on the various measures. Multivariate regression models estimated the extent to which retrospective circumstances were independently associated with adult educational attainment and adult health. Results Most of the childhood circumstances measures differed across racial/ethnic groups. In general, Whites reported more positive circumstances than non-Whites. Family financial circumstances, respondent's perception of schooling as a means to get ahead, high school extracurricular activities, summer travel and summer reading were each statistically significantly associated with adult SES. Family composition, age began work, high school extracurricular activities, attitudes towards schooling and adult discouragement were associated with adult health.
机译:目标儿童社会经济地位(SES)的典型指标,例如父亲的职业,限制了阐明儿童SES影响成人健康的机制的能力。机制可以包括学习经历或工作机会。在先前使用定性方法进行概念开发之后,我们针对不同种族的老年人开发了针对儿童社会和经济状况多个领域的新的回顾性测度。我们对大量新措施进行了管理,并探讨了它们与成人SES的关系。设计我们使用了带有社区样本的横断面调查设计。在加利福尼亚州设置旧金山湾区。参加者400名来自不同种族/族裔背景(白人,非裔美国人,拉丁裔和亚洲人/太平洋岛民)的社区居民,年龄在55岁以上(平均67岁); 61%是女性。主要和次要成果衡量指标我们测量了在儿童/青少年时期对上学,课外活动以及成人鼓励和劝阻的态度。双变量分析测试了各种指标上的种族/种族差异。多元回归模型估计回顾性情况与成人受教育程度和成人健康独立相关的程度。结果多数儿童时期的环境量度因种族/族裔群体而异。一般而言,白人报告的情况要比非白人要好。从统计上看,家庭经济状况,受访者对学校教育的理解,高中生的课外活动,夏季旅行和夏季阅读均与成人SES显着相关。家庭组成,开始工作的年龄,高中的课外活动,对上学的态度和成人的沮丧与成人健康有关。



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