首页> 外文期刊>BioMed research international >An Assessment of Hazards Caused by Electromagnetic Interaction on Humans Present near Short-Wave Physiotherapeutic Devices of Various Types Including Hazards for Users of Electronic Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMD)

An Assessment of Hazards Caused by Electromagnetic Interaction on Humans Present near Short-Wave Physiotherapeutic Devices of Various Types Including Hazards for Users of Electronic Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMD)




Leakage of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from short-wave radiofrequency physiotherapeutic diathermies (SWDs) may cause health and safety hazards affecting unintentionally exposed workers (W) or general public (GP) members (assisting patient exposed during treatment or presenting there for other reasons). Increasing use of electronic active implantable medical devices (AIMDs), by patients, attendants, and workers, needs attention because dysfunctions of these devices may be caused by electromagnetic interactions. EMF emitted by 12 SWDs (with capacitive or inductive applicators) were assessed following international guidelines on protection against EMF exposure (International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection for GP and W, new European directive 2013/35/EU for W, European Recommendation for GP, and European Standard EN 50527-1 for AIMD users). Direct EMF hazards for humans near inductive applicators were identified at a distance not exceeding 45 cm for W or 62 cm for GP, but for AIMD users up to 90 cm (twice longer than that for W and 50% longer than that for GP because EMF is pulsed modulated). Near capacitive applicators emitting continuous wave, the corresponding distances were: 120 cm for W or 150 cm for both—GP or AIMD users. This assessment does not cover patients who undergo SWD treatment (but it is usually recommended for AIMD users to be careful with EMF treatment).
机译:短波射频理疗疗法(SWD)泄漏的电磁场(EMF)可能会造成健康和安全隐患,影响无意暴露的工人(W)或普通公众(GP)成员(协助患者在治疗过程中暴露或因其他原因在医院就诊) 。患者,服务人员和工作人员越来越多地使用电子有源植入式医疗设备(AIMD),需要引起注意,因为这些设备的功能障碍可能是由电磁相互作用引起的。根据关于防止EMF暴露的国际准则(针对GP和W的非电离辐射防护国际委员会,针对W的新欧洲指令2013/35 / EU,针对GP的欧洲建议,以及AIMD用户的欧洲标准EN 50527-1)。电磁感应器附近对人类的直接EMF危害在W处不超过45 cm或在GP处不超过62 cm,但对于最大90 cm的AIMD用户(比W长两倍,比GP长50%,因为EMF进行脉冲调制)。在发射连续波的电容式涂药器附近,相应的距离是:W为120 cm,GP或AIMD用户均为150 cm。该评估不包括接受SWD治疗的患者(但通常建议AIMD用户谨慎使用EMF治疗)。



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