首页> 外文期刊>BioMed research international >Morphogenetic Mechanisms in the Cyclic Regeneration of Hair Follicles and Deer Antlers from Stem Cells

Morphogenetic Mechanisms in the Cyclic Regeneration of Hair Follicles and Deer Antlers from Stem Cells




We have made comparisons between hair follicles (HFs) and antler units (AUs)—two seemingly unrelated mammalian organs. HFs are tiny and concealed within skin, whereas AUs are gigantic and grown externally for visual display. However, these two organs share some striking similarities. Both consist of permanent and cyclic/temporary components and undergo stem-cell-based organogenesis and cyclic regeneration. Stem cells of both organs reside in the permanent part and the growth centres are located in the temporary part of each respective organ. Organogenesis and regeneration of both organs depend on epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Establishment of these interactions requires stem cells and reactiveiche cells (dermal papilla cells for HFs and epidermal cells for AUs) to be juxtaposed, which is achieved through destruction of the cyclic part to bring the reactive cells into close proximity to the respective stem cell niche. Developments of HFs and AUs are regulated by similar endocrine (particularly testosterone) and paracrine (particularly IGF1) factors. Interestingly, these two organs come to interplay during antlerogenesis. In conclusion, we believe that investigators from the fields of both HF and AU biology could greatly benefit from a comprehensive comparison between these two organs.
机译:我们已经比较了毛囊(HF)和鹿角单位(AUs)-这两个看似无关的哺乳动物器官。 HF很小且隐藏在皮肤内,而AU巨大且在外部生长以用于视觉显示。但是,这两个器官有一些惊人的相似之处。两者均由永久性和周期性/临时性组成,并经历基于干细胞的器官发生和循环再生。两个器官的干细胞都位于每个器官的永久部分,而生长中心位于每个器官的临时部分。两个器官的器官发生和再生取决于上皮-间质相互作用。建立这些相互作用需要将干细胞和反应性/小细胞(HFs的真皮乳头细胞和AUs的表皮细胞)并置,这是通过破坏环状部分使反应性细胞与各自的干细胞紧密接近来实现的利基。 HF和AU的发展受相似的内分泌(尤其是睾丸激素)和旁分泌(特别是IGF1)因素的调节。有趣的是,这两个器官在鹿角发生过程中相互作用。总之,我们相信来自HF和AU生物学领域的研究人员可以从这两个器官之间的全面比较中受益匪浅。



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