首页> 外文期刊>Journal of medical Internet research >The Efficacy of Internet-Based Mindfulness Training and Cognitive-Behavioral Training With Telephone Support in the Enhancement of Mental Health Among College Students and Young Working Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial

The Efficacy of Internet-Based Mindfulness Training and Cognitive-Behavioral Training With Telephone Support in the Enhancement of Mental Health Among College Students and Young Working Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial




Background: College students and working adults are particularly vulnerable to stress and other mental health problems, and mental health promotion and prevention are needed to promote their mental health. In recent decades, mindfulness-based training has demonstrated to be efficacious in treating physical and psychological conditions.Objective: The aim of our study was to examine the efficacy of an Internet-based mindfulness training program (iMIND) in comparison with the well-established Internet-based cognitive-behavioral training program (iCBT) in promoting mental health among college students and young working adults.Methods: This study was a 2-arm, unblinded, randomized controlled trial comparing iMIND with iCBT. Participants were recruited online and offline via mass emails, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, announcement and leaflets in primary care clinics, and social networking sites. Eligible participants were randomized into either the iMIND (n=604) or the iCBT (n=651) condition. Participants received 8 Web-based sessions with information and exercises related to mindfulness or cognitive-behavioral principles. Telephone or email support was provided by trained first tier supporters who were supervised by the study’s research team. Primary outcomes included mental and physical health-related measures, which were self-assessed online at preprogram, postprogram, and 3-month follow-up.Results: Among the 1255 study participants, 213 and 127 completed the post- and 3-month follow-up assessment, respectively. Missing data were treated using restricted maximum likelihood estimation. Both iMIND (n=604) and iCBT (n=651) were efficacious in improving mental health, psychological distress, life satisfaction, sleep disturbance, and energy level.Conclusions: Both Internet-based mental health programs showed potential in improving the mental health from pre- to postassessment, and such improvement was sustained at the 3-month follow-up. The high attrition rate in this study suggests the need for refinement in future technology-based psychological programs. Mental health professionals need to team up with experts in information technology to increase personalization of Web-based interventions to enhance adherence.Trial Registration: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR): ChiCTR-TRC-12002623; https://www2.ccrb.cuhk.edu.hk/ registry/public/191 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6kxt8DjM4).
机译:背景:大学生和在职成年人特别容易受到压力和其他心理健康问题的影响,需要促进和预防心理健康以促进他们的心理健康。在最近的几十年中,基于正念的培训已被证明在治疗身体和心理疾病方面是有效的。目的:我们的研究目的是与基于互联网的正念培训计划(iMIND)相比,研究其有效性基于互联网的认知行为培训计划(iCBT),用于促进大学生和在职成年人的心理健康。方法:本研究是一项2臂,无盲,随机对照试验,比较了iMIND和iCBT。通过大量电子邮件,报纸和杂志上的广告,初级保健诊所的公告和传单以及社交网站来在线和离线地招募参与者。符合条件的参与者被随机分为iMIND(n = 604)或iCBT(n = 651)条件。参与者参加了8次基于Web的会议,其中包含有关正念或认知行为原则的信息和练习。该研究的研究小组在受过训练的第一层支持者的支持下提供了电话或电子邮件支持。主要结果包括与心理和身体健康相关的措施,这些措施可在预编程,后编程和3个月的随访中进行在线评估。结果:在1255名研究参与者中,有213和127名完成了3个月的随访评估。使用受限的最大似然估计来处理丢失的数据。 iMIND(n = 604)和iCBT(n = 651)均可有效改善心理健康,心理困扰,生活满意度,睡眠障碍和精力充沛。结论:两个基于互联网的心理健康计划均显示出改善心理健康的潜力。从评估前到评估后,这种改善在3个月的随访中得以持续。这项研究中的高流失率表明,在未来基于技术的心理计划中需要完善。精神卫生专业人员需要与信息技术专家合作,以增强基于Web的干预措施的个性化,以增强依从性。试验注册:中国临床试验注册中心(ChiCTR):ChiCTR-TRC-12002623; https://www2.ccrb.cuhk.edu.hk/registry/public/191(由WebCite存档,网址为http://www.webcitation.org/6kxt8DjM4)。



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