首页> 外文期刊>Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar >Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar IPA

Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar IPA




This study aims to improve the activeness of science learning in VB class 1 semester 2016/2017 students in Buruan 3 Public Elementary School by implementing the? Cooperative type Two stay two stray (TSTS) learning model. This type of research was classroom action research (CAR) with 26 students of the first semester of 2016/2017 VB class research subjects. Learning activity data was collected by observation sheet. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the findings of the study and discussion, it could be concluded that the implementation of the Two Stay Two Stray type of cooperative learning model can increase the activeness of science learning in VB class 1 semester 2016/2017 students in Buruan 3 Public Elementary School. This result was proved from the average enhancement in the first cycle of 12.46 to 18.77 in the second cycle. The classical completeness of students also increased from 58.85% in the first cycle to 88% in the second cycle.
机译:这项研究的目的是通过实施“ Buan 3公立小学” 2016/2017年VB第一学期学生的科学学习活动。合作类型两留二流浪(TSTS)学习模型。这类研究是课堂行动研究(CAR),由2016/2017年VB班级研究主题的26个学生组成。通过观察表收集学习活动数据。使用描述性统计分析对获得的数据进行分析。根据研究和讨论的结果,可以得出结论,实施“两住两流”式的合作学习模式可以提高Buruan 3公立小学2016/2017年VB第1学期学生的科学学习积极性。从第一周期的平均增强12.46到第二周期的18.77证明了这一结果。学生的经典完整性也从第一周期的58.85%提高到第二周期的88%。



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