首页> 外文期刊>Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum >Akuntabilitas Keuangan Desa dan Kesejahteraan Aparatur Desa dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa

Akuntabilitas Keuangan Desa dan Kesejahteraan Aparatur Desa dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa




The spirit of the Village building is the key word for the birth of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, which must be realized with the efforts of professional village financial management to create community welfare and village apparatus as a juridical consequence of the enactment of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages relating to autonomous authority to manage village finance accountably for the achievement of village welfare which is a shared desire and noble ideals of the nation and also equally important is to improve the welfare of village apparatus to support these ideals so that they have no potential abuse of authority. Speaking about the village, it is inseparable from the position and authority of the village government, as the lowest government unit in Indonesia which still raises the pros and cons of the village government itself, one of the reasons is Regional Autonomy which lacks assertiveness about the task and authority of the village head , to manage its own finances, the finance obtained by the Village from the APBN (State Revenue and Expenditure Budget) is in the form of ADD (Village Fund Allocation).
机译:村庄建设的精神是2014年关于村庄的第6号法律的诞生的关键词,这必须通过专业村庄财务管理的努力来实现,以创造社区福利和村庄机器,这是颁布法律的法律后果。 2014年第6号法令,关于与村民有关的自治机构,负责为实现乡村福利负责地管理乡村财务,这是国家的共同愿望和崇高理想,同样重要的是改善乡村设备的福利以支持这些理想这样他们就不会滥用职权。说到村庄,它与村庄政府的地位和权威密不可分,因为它是印度尼西亚最低的政府单位,仍然提高了村庄政府本身的利弊,原因之一是区域自治缺乏关于土地自治的主张。村长负责管理自己的财政的任务和权限,由村从APBN(国家收支预算)获得的资金以ADD(村庄资金分配)的形式提供。



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