首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Veterinary Advances >Studies on the Immune Mechanisms and Immunopathology of Severe Skin and Meibomian Gland Demodicosis in Cattle

Studies on the Immune Mechanisms and Immunopathology of Severe Skin and Meibomian Gland Demodicosis in Cattle




Cattle infected with severe and generalized skin and simultaneous meibomian gland lesions of demodectic mange; had higher total serum proteins, significantly higher globulin and lower albumin concentration than non-infected ones. The protein content of the soluble antigen of Demodex mites and associated bacteria was 70 μg /100 μl. Hypersensitivity testing of infected cattle by the intradermal injection of soluble mite and bacterial antigens produced immediate, delayed cell-mediated and Arthus immune-complex reactions, while non-infected cattle were refractory to these tests. The enzyme-linked immunoelectrotrasfer blot gave positive reaction bands at 56 kilodaltons (KDD) when the resolved soluble antigen was probed with sera from infected cattle and no reaction bands were demonstrated in sera from non-infected animals. The nature of association between Demodex mites and bacteria in demodectic mange lesions was synergistic and of equal significance. Pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria facilitated the establishment of Demodex mites in the lesions produced and provided an excellent microclimate for the mites to propagate and reproduce, resulting in severe and progressive disease. Histopathological examination showed severe changes characterized by massive 'high-turnover' granulomatous reaction with influx of macrophages and lymphocytes proving that Demodex mites and associated bacteria were both persistent and immunogenic. Giant cells destroyed, engulfed and digested the bacteria and the mites, resulting in healing of the lesions as judged by the progressive proliferation of connective tissue and degeneration of the granulomas. In spite of the rapid and exaggerated humoral and cell-mediated immune responses demonstrated in vivo and in vitro, the mites and associated bacteria remained viable in chronic lesions for 2-3 years. Failure of these cattle to develop acquired immunity against repeated exposure to the mites and associated bacteria was probably due to the development of tolerance resulting from the release of large amounts of soluble and particulate antigens.
机译:牛感染了严重和全身性皮肤疾病,同时发生了man鼠的睑板腺病变;具有比未感染者更高的总血清蛋白,明显更高的球蛋白和更低的白蛋白浓度。蠕形螨和相关细菌的可溶性抗原的蛋白质含量为70μg/ 100μl。通过皮内注射可溶性螨虫和细菌抗原对被感染牛进行的超敏反应测试会产生立即的,延迟的细胞介导的和Arthus免疫复合物反应,而未感染的牛则对这些测试不敏感。当用感染牛的血清探查分辨的可溶性抗原时,酶联免疫电转移印迹在56道尔顿(KDD)处产生阳性反应带,而未感染动物的血清中未显示反应带。蠕虫螨与蠕虫之间的缔合性质具有协同作用,并且具有同等重要的意义。致病性和机会性细菌促进了蠕形螨在所产生的病变中的建立,并为螨的繁殖和繁殖提供了极好的微气候,从而导致了严重和进行性疾病。组织病理学检查显示出严重变化,其特征是大规模“高周转”肉芽肿反应,巨噬细胞和淋巴细胞大量涌入,证明蠕形螨和相关细菌具有持久性和免疫原性。巨细胞破坏,吞噬和消化细菌和螨虫,导致结缔组织愈合和肉芽肿变性,从而使病变愈合。尽管体内和体外显示出快速和夸张的体液和细胞介导的免疫反应,但螨和相关细菌在慢性病灶中仍能存活2-3年。这些牛未能获得针对反复接触螨虫和相关细菌的后天免疫力,这可能是由于大量可溶性抗原和颗粒抗原的释放导致了耐受性的发展。



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