
Usable work of macro-scale cavities in liquids




It is shown that the generation of cavities in a liquid can produce usable work, which is illustrated by the stretching of a string. This work is done during the expansion of the cavity, and not with its collapse. Basic equations are presented for the movement of a device moved by the so called cavity events. A theoretical solution is also proposed, which uses polynomial functions relating the so called "excess of pressure" in the cavity and time. Evaluations of the force generated during the expansion of the cavity showed a mean peak value of about 58 N for the moving container, while measurements with the container fixed to a support showed a peak value of 476 N, considered somewhat overestimated, because high frequency oscillations seem to superpose the mean behavior. Simultaneous phenomena occurring during the cavity events are also described. Series of pictures of the experiments are presented.
机译:结果表明,在液体中产生空腔可以产生有用的功,这可以通过拉紧细绳来说明。这项工作是在型腔膨胀期间完成的,而不是因为其塌陷。提出了关于由所谓的腔事件移动的设备的移动的基本方程式。还提出了一种理论解决方案,该解决方案使用了与空腔和时间中所谓的“压力过大”相关的多项式函数。对腔体膨胀过程中产生的力的评估显示,运动中的容器的平均峰值约为58 N,而将容器固定在支架上的测量结果却显示出476 N的峰值,这被高估了,因为高频振荡似乎叠加了卑鄙的行为。还描述了在腔事件期间发生的同时现象。介绍了一系列实验图片。


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