首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: JASN >Chronic Kidney Disease Awareness, Prevalence, and Trends among U.S. Adults, 1999 to 2000

Chronic Kidney Disease Awareness, Prevalence, and Trends among U.S. Adults, 1999 to 2000




The incidence of kidney failure treatment in the United States increased 57% from 1991 to 2000. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevalence was 11% among U.S. adults surveyed in 1988 to 1994. The objective of this study was to estimate awareness of CKD in the U.S. population during 1999 to 2000 and to determine whether the prevalence of CKD in the United States increased compared with 1988 to 1994. Analysis was conducted of nationally representative samples of noninstitutionalized adults, aged 20 yr and older, in two National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys conducted in 1988 to 1994 (n = 15,488) and 1999 to 2000 (n = 4101) for prevalence ?± SE. Awareness of CKD is self-reported. Kidney function (GFR), kidney damage (microalbuminuria or greater), and stages of CKD (GFR and albuminuria) were estimated from calibrated serum creatinine, spot urine albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR), age, gender, and race. GFR was estimated using the simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study equation. Self-reported awareness of weak or failing kidneys in 1999 to 2000 was strongly associated with decreased kidney function and albuminuria but was low even in the presence of both conditions. Only 24.3 ?± 6.4% of patients at GFR 15 to 59 ml/min per 1.73 m2 and albuminuria were aware of CKD compared with 1.1 ?± 0.3% at GFR of 90 ml/min per 1.73 m2 or greater and no microalbuminuria. At moderately decreased kidney function (GFR 30 to 59 ml/min per 1.73 m2), awareness was much lower among women than men (2.9 ?± 1.6 versus 17.9 ?± 5.9%; P = 0.008). The prevalence of moderately or severely decreased kidney function (GFR 15 to 59 ml/min per 1.73 m2) remained stable over the past decade (4.4 ?± 0.3% in 1988 to 1994 and 3.8 ?± 0.4% in 1999 to 2000; P = 0.23). At the same time, the prevalence of albuminuria (ACR a‰¥ 30 mg/g) in single spot urine increased from 8.2 ?± 0.4% to 10.1 ?± 0.7% (P = 0.01). Overall CKD prevalence was similar in both surveys (9% using ACR 30 mg/g for persistent microalbuminuria; 11% in 1988 to 1994 and 12% in 1999 to 2000 using gender-specific ACR cutoffs). Despite a high prevalence, CKD awareness in the U.S. population is low. In contrast to the dramatic increase in treated kidney failure, overall CKD prevalence in the U.S. population has been relatively stable.
机译:从1991年到2000年,美国肾衰竭治疗的发生率增加了57%。在1988年至1994年接受调查的美国成年人中,慢性肾病(CKD)患病率是11%。本研究的目的是评估在儿童中对CKD的认识。 1999年至2000年期间的美国人口,并确定美国CKD的患病率是否与1988年至1994年相比有所增加。在两次全国健康与营养调查中对20岁及以上的非机构化成年人的全国代表性样本进行了分析。 1988年至1994年(n = 15488)和1999年至2000年(n = 4101)进行了患病率±±SE。 CKD的意识是自我报告的。肾功能(GFR),肾脏损害(微量白蛋白尿或更大)和CKD阶段(GFR和白蛋白尿)是通过校正的血清肌酐,点尿白蛋白与肌酐之比(ACR),年龄,性别和种族估算的。使用肾脏疾病研究方程式中饮食的简化修改来估算GFR。自我报告的1999年至2000年肾脏虚弱或衰竭的认识与肾功能下降和蛋白尿密切相关,但即使在两种情况下均较低。每1.73 m2和白蛋白尿的GFR为15至59 ml / min的患者中只有24.3±±6.4%的患者知道CKD,而每1.73 m2或更高的GFR为90 ml / min且无微量白蛋白尿的患者为1.1α±0.3%。在肾功能适度下降(每1.73平方米GFR 30至59毫升/分钟)时,女性的知觉要比男性低得多(2.9?±1.6对17.9?±5.9%; P = 0.008)。在过去十年中,肾功能的中度或重度下降(GFR 15至59 ml / min / 1.73 m2)的患病率保持稳定(1988至1994年为4.4±0.3%,1999至2000年为3.8±0.4%; P = 0.23)。同时,单点尿中白蛋白尿(ACRa≥30 mg / g)的患病率从8.2±0.4%增加到10.1±0.7%(P = 0.01)。两项调查的总体CKD患病率相似(持续性微量白蛋白尿使用ACR> 30 mg / g占9%; 1988-1994年使用性别特定的ACR临界值占11%,1999-2000年使用12%)。尽管患病率很高,但美国人群对CKD的认识仍然很低。与治疗的肾衰竭的急剧增加相反,美国人群的整体CKD患病率相对稳定。



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