首页> 外文期刊>Journal of surgery and medicine. >Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of short form 36 (SF-36) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of short form 36 (SF-36) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis




Ama?: Romatoid artritte Türk?e SF-36’n?n güvenilirlik ve ge?erlili?ini ara?t?rmak. Y?ntemler: ?al??maya al?nan Romatoid artritli hastalar?n demografik ?zellikleri kay?t edildi. Sa?l?k de?erlendirme anketi (HAQ) ve SF-36 formlar? dolduruldu. Hastal?k aktiviteleri DAS-28 kullan?larak hesapland?. Hastalar 3 ay sonra tekrar ?a??r?larak kendilerini ilk geli?lerine g?re nas?l hissettikleri soruldu ve ilk geli?lerinde yap?lan testler tekrarland?. Bulgular: ?al??madaki 141 hastan?n %9,9’u erkek; %90,1’i kad?nd?r. SF-36’n?n güvenilirlik ?al??mas?nda ?l?ek alt boyutlar?n?n Cronbach alfa de?erleri 0,792-0,992 aras?nda de?i?mekte olup, bunun sonucunda SF-36 yüksek düzeyde güvenilir bulunmu?tur. Madde-toplam puan korelasyon katsay?lar? da her bir alt ?l?ek i?in ayr? ayr? hesaplanm??t?r. Fiziksel fonksiyonda 0,436-0,840, fiziksel rol gü?lü?ünde 0,887-0,895; a?r?da 0,861-0,958, sa?l???n genel olarak alg?lanmas?nda 0,564-0,892; vitalite (enerji)’de 0,702-0,841; sosyal fonksiyonda 0,949-0,952; emosyonel rol k?s?tlamas?nda 0,396-0,473 ve mental sa?l?kta 0,456-0,824 aras?nda bulunmu?tur. Daha sonra her iki SF-36 ?l?ümü kar??la?t?r?lm?? ve p0,05 oldu?u i?in ikinci ?l?ümlerde ilk ?l?ümlere g?re bir farkl?l?k saptanmam??t?r. SF 36 ge?erlilik ?al??mas?, beyana dayal? durumlar? ikinci geli?lerinde ilkine g?re de?i?meyen 63 olgu üzerinde yap?lm?? olup; test tekrar test aras?ndaki korelasyon, intra-class korelasyon katsay?lar? ile de?erlendirildi?inde her iki uygulama aras?nda istatistiksel olarak anlaml? ili?ki g?rülmektedir. Bu ?al??mada korelasyon katsay?lar? 0,51 ile 0,78 aras?nda de?i?mektedir. SF-36 puanlar?n?n ilk ve ikinci ?l?ümleri aras?nda istatistiksel olarak anlaml? farkl?l?k g?rülmemektedir (p0,05). Sonu?: Sonu? olarak Türk?e SF-36 Romatoid artritli hastalarda güvenilir ve ge?erli bulunmu?tur. Aim: Investigating reliability and validity of the Turkish version of short form-36 (SF-36) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Methods: Demographic data of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis were recorded. Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and Short Form 36 (SF-36) were filled out. Disease activities were computed using Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS-28). Patients were recalled after three months and were asked to state how they felt compared to their first visit, and the same tests were repeated. Results: 141 patients were admitted (9.9% male, 90.1% female). In the reliability study of SF-36, the Cronbach alpha value of the subscales varied in the range 0.792-0.992, hence SF-36 was found to be highly reliable. The item total score correlations were computed for each subscale and were found to be in the ranges: 0.436-0.840 for physical functioning, 0.887-0.895 for role function (physical), 0.861-0.958 for pain, 0.564-0.892 for general health perception, 0.702-0.841 for vitality (energy/fatigue), 0.949-0.952 for social functioning, 0.396-0.473 for role function (emotional) and 0.456-0.824 for mental health. The SF-36 scores from two consecutive visits spaced 3 months apart were compared and the p values were found to be greater than 0.05. The validity study was conducted for the 63 patients whose reported conditions did not change between two visits. The test-retest relation was evaluated using intra-class correlation coefficients, which ranged from 0.51 to 0.78 and the correlations of the two tests were found to be statistically significant. The comparison of SF-36 scores from two consecutive visits, all with p0.05, showed no statistically significant changes. Conclusions: The Turkish version of SF-36 was found to be reliable and valid in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
机译:但是?:研究SF-36在土耳其类风湿关节炎中的可靠性和有效性。方法:记录实践中的类风湿关节炎患者的人口统计学特征。健康评估问卷(HAQ)和SF-36表格。填充。使用DAS-28计算疾病活动。患者在3个月后再次超重,他们被问到第一次来时的感觉,并重复了首次就诊时进行的测试。结果:141名患者中的9.9%为男性; 90.1%是女性。在研究SF-36的可靠性时,附加子维度的Cronbach alpha值在0.792-0.992之间变化,因此SF-36它可靠吗?项目总分相关系数?每六个吗?分离?计算的?t?r。身体机能为0.436-0.840,微笑时为0.887-0.895;总体健康状况为0.861-0.958,总体健康状况为0.564-0.892;活力(能量)为0.702-0.841;社会功能为0.949-0.952;发现情绪角色限制在0.396-0.473之间,在精神健康方面在0.456-0.824之间。后来,我的SF-36进行了比较。并且由于p> 0.05,与原发性死亡相比,第二例死亡无差异。 SF 36有效性研究,基于声明情况?它对63例进行了检查,与第二次就诊的第一例相比没有变化。是;重测之间的相关性,类内相关系数?使用进行评估时,两个应用之间在统计上有显着差异。关系。在这项研究中的相关系数?它在0.51和0.78之间变化。第一次和第二次SF-36评分死亡之间存在统计学差异。没有观察到差异(p> 0.05)。结局?:结局?在土耳其,已发现SF-36在类风湿关节炎患者中是安全有效的。目的:调查土耳其文版本的short-36(SF-36)在类风湿关节炎患者中的信度和效度方法:记录类风湿关节炎患者的人口统计数据。填写了健康评估问卷(HAQ)和简短表格36(SF-36)。使用疾病活动评分28(DAS-28)计算疾病活动。三个月后召回患者,并要求他们陈述与初次就诊相比的感觉,并重复相同的测试。结果:收治141例患者(男性9.9%,女性90.1%)。在SF-36的可靠性研究中,子量表的Cronbachα值在0.792-0.992范围内变化,因此发现SF-36是高度可靠的。计算了每个子量表的项目总分相关性,其范围为:身体机能为0.436-0.840,角色功能(身体)为0.887-0.895,疼痛为0.861-0.958,总体健康感知为0.564-0.892,活力(能量/疲劳)为0.702-0.841,社交功能为0.949-0.952,角色功能(情感)为0.396-0.473,心理健康为0.456-0.824。比较了相隔3个月的两次连续访问的SF-36得分,发现p值大于0.05。对63名患者的有效性研究进行了研究,其报告的病情在两次就诊之间没有变化。使用组内相关系数(范围在0.51到0.78之间)评估了测试-重测关系,并且发现两个测试的相关性具有统计学意义。两次连续访问的SF-36得分的比较(均p> 0.05)没有统计学上的显着变化。结论:土耳其版本的SF-36被认为对类风湿关节炎患者是可靠和有效的。



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