首页> 外文期刊>Journal of software >Prediction of Operating Loads Contribution to Assembly Relation and Product Behavior

Prediction of Operating Loads Contribution to Assembly Relation and Product Behavior




In the process of product manufacturing, controlof assembly error will directly affect product operatingbehavior. When product running, operating loads will leadto change of assembly relation of product parts, affectingproduct behavior. Based on Jacobian-Torsor method, theJacobian-Torsor tolerance model, considering contributionof operating loads, was extended and corrected, theassembly error (assembly relation change) resulted fromoperating loads can be calculated. Variation of runningbehavior with assembly error was divided to three phases:compensation phase, rapid loss phase and total loss phase.Based on changing curve of product behavior, function ofbehavior loss was constructed to describe behavior lossresulting from assembly error of a part of product. Theconception and calculating method of behavior loss index(BLI) are given to reflect behavior changing status of wholeproduct under certain assembly accuracy. Combined withextended Jacobian-Torsor method, the calculated resultscan be used to predict product behavior change led byoperating loads. The prediction can help to know nextmeasurement adopted in product design phase. An exampleis given to demonstrate calculating procedure of givenmethod.



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