首页> 外文期刊>Journal of radiation research >The usefulness of an independent patient-specific treatment planning verification method using a benchmark plan in high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy for carcinoma of the uterine cervix

The usefulness of an independent patient-specific treatment planning verification method using a benchmark plan in high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy for carcinoma of the uterine cervix




In this study, Fletcher-type (Fletcher-Williamson Asian-Pacific) tandem-ovoid and tandem-cylinder metal applicators (Nucletron International B.V., Veendaal, the Netherlands) were used. Various sizes and combinations of these applicators were constructed by one radiation oncologist with the ‘ideal' applicator geometry outside the patient (Fig.?1a and b) and then reviewed by a medical physicist. We constructed eight kinds of tandem-ovoid and six kinds of benchmark plans (Table?1). Dose was calculated with the following formula introduced in AAPM TG43-U1 [22]. ICRU report 38 [23] recommends reporting the reference volume as well as total reference air kerma strength and absorbed dose at reference points. The reference volume is the volume encompassed by the reference isodose surface, which is represented by the major dimensions of the following: We retrospectively analyzed 168 and 29 clinical cases from 2009 through 2010 with a tandem-ovoid and tandem-cylinder, respectively. The difference in total dwell time between a benchmark plan and an individual treatment plan was calculated using the following formula: Figure?3 shows a histogram of differences in total dwell time between benchmark and individual treatment plans. Differences averaged –0.2%?±?3.8% (range, –13.3–9.6%), and exceeded 5% in 23 of 169 clinical cases. Figure?4 shows a histogram of differences in dose distribution shapes between the benchmark and individual treatment plans in tandem-ovoid applications. The differences in dh, dt and dw between the benchmark and individual plans averaged –1.0?mm?±?2.6?mm (range, –8.6?mm to +6.5?mm), 0.8?mm?±?1.3?mm (range, –1.4?mm to +5.2?mm) and –0.1?mm?±?1.5?mm (range, –5.1?mm to +4.0?mm), respectively. We verified that all tandem-ovoid treatment plans were appropriately created without any planning errors, including wrong source position, wrong decay correction of source strength and inappropriate optimization or use of an unplanned size or combination of applicators. However, 24 of 169 cases had a 5% difference in total dwell time. To explain these differences, we investigated the correlation between differences in total dwell times and dh, dt and dw between the benchmark and individual plans. Figure?5a shows the relationship of differences in total dwell time (vertical axis) with those in dh (horizontal axis). Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rs?=?0.836, P???0.01) showed a strong relationship between the discrepancy in total dwell time and those in dh. In contrast, no correlations were found between the discrepancy in total dwell time and those in dt (rs?=?0.371, P??=?0.075) or dw (rs?=?0.290, P??=?0.149) (Fig.?5b and c). Figure?6a shows differences in total dwell time between the benchmark and individual treatment plans. Differences averaged –1.5%?±?3.1% (range, –13.0% to +0.4%), with 2 of 29 cases exceeding 11%. For tandem-ovoid cases, the tolerance level of total dwell time, dh, dt, and dw were –7.5% to +7.2, –6.0?mm to +4.1?mm, –1.8?mm to +3.4?mm and –3.0?mm to +2.8?mm, respectively (Fig.?7a).
机译:在这项研究中,使用了Fletcher型(Fletcher-Williamson亚太公司)的串联卵形和串联圆筒式金属喷枪(Nucletron International B.V.,荷兰Veendaal)。这些辐射器的各种尺寸和组合是由一名放射肿瘤医师在患者体外构造出“理想”的辐射器几何形状(图1a和b)​​,然后由医学物理学家进行审查。我们构建了八种串联卵形和六种基准计划(表1)。使用AAPM TG43-U1 [22]中引入的以下公式计算剂量。 ICRU报告38 [23]建议报告参考量以及参考点的总参考空气比释动能强度和吸收剂量。参考体积是参考等剂量表面所包含的体积,由以下主要尺寸表示:我们回顾性分析了2009年至2010年使用串联卵形和串联圆筒的168例和29例临床病例。使用以下公式计算基准计划和单个治疗计划之间的总停留时间差:图3显示了基准计划和单个治疗计划之间的总停留时间差的直方图。在169例临床病例中,有23例平均差异为–0.2%±3.8%(范围为–13.3–9.6%),并且超过5%。图4显示了在串联卵形应用中基准治疗方案和个体治疗方案之间剂量分布形状差异的直方图。基准计划和单个计划之间的dh,dt和dw之差平均为–1.0?mm?±?2.6?mm(范围为–8.6?mm至+6.5?mm),0.8?mm?±?1.3?mm(范围)分别为–1.4?mm至+5.2?mm)和–0.1?mm±±1.5?mm(范围为–5.1?mm至+4.0?mm)。我们验证了所有避免串联的治疗计划均已正确创建,没有任何计划错误,包括错误的放射源位置,错误的放射源强度衰减校正以及不适当的优化,或使用了未计划的尺寸或涂药组合。但是,在169例病例中,有24例的总停留时间差异大于5%。为了解释这些差异,我们研究了基准计划和单个计划之间的总停留时间差异与dh,dt和dw之间的相关性。图5a示出了总停留时间(垂直轴)与dh(水平轴)之间的关系。 Spearman等级相关系数(r s α=?0.836,P ?? <?0.01)表明总停留时间差异与dh之间存在很强的关系。相反,在总停留时间差异与dt(r s ?=?0.371,P ?? =?0.075)或dw(r s α=α0.290,Pα=α0.149)(图5b和c)。图6a显示了基准测试和单个治疗计划之间的总停留时间差异。差异平均为–1.5%±3.1%(范围为–13.0%至+ 0.4%),其中29例中有2例超过11%。对于串联卵形的情况,总停留时间,dh,dt和dw的公差等级为–7.5%至+ 7.2,–6.0?mm至+4.1?mm,–1.8?mm至+3.4?mm和–3.0分别为?mm至+2.8?mm(图7a)。



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