首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Quantum Information Science >Revealing the Ubiquitous Effects of Quantum Entanglement—Toward a Notion of God Logic

Revealing the Ubiquitous Effects of Quantum Entanglement—Toward a Notion of God Logic




Following Spinoza-Einstein’s interpretation of God or nature, the notion “God Logic” is proposed. This notion is to serve as an elicitation for a consistent set of necessary criteria for: 1) developing the logical foundation of quantum gravity as envisaged by Einstein, 2) revealing the ubiquitous effects of quantum entanglement as suggested by Roger Penrose, and 3) programming the universe as proposed by Seth Lloyd. An evolving set of eleven criteria is proposed for the notion. The possibility of inventing such a logical system is analyzed. A supersymmetrical candidate logic of negative-positive energy dynamic equilibrium is introduced and assessed against the set of criteria. It is shown that the first 10 criteria are met or partially met by the candidate. But the question whether the 11th criterion has been or can be met is left open for discussion and further research effort. The assessment leads to a few predictions. Notably, it is predicted that, should Boson-Fermion symmetry or broken symmetry be observed, it would be caused by bipolar symmetry or broken symmetry of negative-positive energies.
机译:在斯宾诺莎·爱因斯坦(Spinoza-Einstein)对上帝或自然的解释之后,提出了“上帝逻辑”的概念。此概念可作为一整套必要标准的启发:1)开发爱因斯坦所设想的量子引力的逻辑基础,2)揭示罗杰·彭罗斯提出的量子纠缠的普遍影响,以及3)编程塞思·劳埃德(Seth Lloyd)提出的宇宙。为该概念提出了一组不断发展的11条标准。分析了发明这种逻辑系统的可能性。引入了正负能量动态平衡的超对称候选逻辑,并根据一组标准对其进行了评估。结果显示,候选人符合或部分满足了前10个标准。但是是否已经满足或符合第11条标准的问题尚待讨论和进一步研究。评估得出一些预测。值得注意的是,据预测,如果观察到玻色子-费米翁对称性或对称性破坏,则将由负正能量的双极对称性或破坏性对称性引起。



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