首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Charlotte Sleigh, “Contexts of Encounter: How and Where to Criticise Art and Science.”

Charlotte Sleigh, “Contexts of Encounter: How and Where to Criticise Art and Science.”

机译:夏洛特·雪橇(Charlotte Sleigh),“遭遇的背景:如何和在哪里批评艺术与科学”。



This pregnant, speckled swell of a shell: this too is art.Such a claim is preposterous in a modern, secular world. If there is no creatorthen only humans can make art. A shell is simply a shell, though it may look beautifulto us.Yet things have been changing recently. Bruno Latour (Politics of Nature) andDonna Haraway have been at the vanguard of scholarship that has raised anappreciation of the role of non-human nature (things, critters) in the making of ourworld, our science, our technology, our arts. If we take these scholars seriously, then anon-human agent may, after all, create a work of art. However, such a (re)turntowards non-human nature in the networks of making and being is a tricky move,since it can superficially be confused with the attitude of the scientists who believedthat certain things were real all along. Thus one is unsure what to make of critic LauraCumming, who writes of the bower bird in an art-science exhibition: “[he] has aconcept of beauty that precedes and governs his creation. It [sic] is by definition anartist” (Cumming “Andy Holden & Peter Holden”).
机译:贝壳上有斑点的这种膨胀:这也是艺术。在现代世俗世界中,这种主张是荒谬的。如果没有创造者,那么只有人类才能创造艺术。外壳只是外壳,尽管它对我们来说可能看起来很漂亮。但是最近情况发生了变化。布鲁诺·拉图尔(Bruno Latour)(自然政治)和唐娜·哈拉维(Donna Haraway)一直是学术的先锋,这使人们认识到非人类自然(事物,生物)在塑造我们的世界,我们的科学,我们的技术,我们的艺术中的作用。如果我们认真对待这些学者,那么毕竟非人类的代理人可能会创造出一件艺术品。然而,在创造和存在的网络中这种(重新)转向非人的本性是一个棘手的举动,因为它可以与那些认为某些事物一直都是真实的科学家的态度相混淆。因此,人们不确定批评家劳拉·卡明(LauraCumming)的创作方式,他在一次艺术科学展览中写道:“他的审美观念先于并支配了他的创作。根据定义,它是“ anartist”(将“ Andy Holden和Peter Holden”合计)。



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