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Algernon Swinburne, Anthropologist

机译:人类学家Algernon Swinburne



On 26 October 1869, the poet Algernon Charles Swinburne wrote to his friend the art critic William Michael Rossetti, telling him: "I have begun (for my 'Songs of the Republic') another mystic atheistic democratic anthropologic poem called 'Hertha'" (Letters 2: 45). Swinburne's note to Rossetti might seem little more than a throwaway remark, a characteristically exuberant list of his current enthusiasms, bearing at best a circumstantial relation to one another. Yet, the first three terms on his list are clearly apt to his second collection of poems, eventually published in January 1871 as Songs Before Sunrise. This collection is openly democratic in its politics, blasphemously anti-Christian, and quasi-mystical in its rhetoric, which has been aptly described by David Riede as "bardic or prophetic, as though presenting an established truth rather than perceiving and creating truth" (181-82). Given this correlation between Swinburne's stated intentions and the book itself, it is worth asking how the fourth of his terms might apply to this same collection. In what sense can "Hertha" and other poems from Songs Before Sunrise be described as "anthropologic". What models of anthropology might Swinburne have had in mind. Do his poems work with the data of anthropology, or do they in some sense undertake the work of anthropology themselves. How does Swinburne's anthropology bear on his mysticism, his atheism, his democratic politics. And what might his poems reveal about how poetry can claim to contribute to a scientific discipline, whether in practice or in principle
机译:1869年10月26日,诗人阿尔及隆·查尔斯·斯文本(Algernon Charles Swinburne)给他的朋友写信,艺术评论家威廉·迈克尔·罗塞蒂(William Michael Rossetti)告诉他:“我(为我的《共和国之歌》开始了另一本神秘的,无神论的民主人类学诗作《赫塔》(Hertha)”(字母2:45)。斯温伯恩给罗塞蒂的话似乎不过是一堆乱七八糟的话,这是他当前热情的典型特征,充其量只是彼此之间的一种亲密关系。然而,他名单上的前三个词显然很适合他的第二首诗集,该诗集最终于1871年1月出版为《日出前的歌》。该系列在政治上是公开民主的,在亵渎言论上是轻蔑的反基督教主义者,在修辞学上则是准神秘主义者,戴维·里德(David Riede)恰当地将其描述为“裸露的或预言的,好像在提出既定的真理而不是感知和创造真理”( 181-82)。鉴于Swinburne陈述的意图和这本书本身之间的这种相关性,值得提出的问题是,他的第四个名词如何适用于同一收藏。从什么意义上说,“赫塔”和《日出之前的歌曲》中的其他诗歌都可以被描述为“人类学的”。斯温本可能想到了什么人类学模型。他的诗歌是用人类学的数据来创作的,还是在某种意义上自己承担着人类学的工作?斯温本的人类学如何影响他的神秘主义,无神论和民主政治。他的诗歌可能揭示出诗歌在实践中或原则上可以如何声称对科学学科做出贡献



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