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Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV-Are We One Step Closer?




Despite the existing strategies for primary prevention of HIV such as the use of condoms, rate of HIV transmission in many areas of the world, such as Sub-Saharan Africa, remains high. Thus, besides the implementation of the available strategies, development of novel ways to counter the infection is a long awaited quest. WHY WERE THESE STUDIES NECESSARY? Two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) suggested that the combination of tenofovir and emtricitabine (TDF-FTC) compared to placebo were effective in preventing HIV transmission in men who have sex with men [1] and in heterosexual women [2]. However, the findings from other studies were disparate. To address the question, three large RCTs were conducted and have been recently reported in the New England Journal of Medicine. These include the Partners Pre-exposure Prophylaxis study (PrEP) in East African HIV-1 discordant heterosexual males and females [3], the FEM-PrEP (a study similar to PrEP but only in females) [4] and the TDF2 study (a study of tenofovir and emtricitabine versus placebo in Botswanian heterosexual males and females) [5]. WHAT DID THESE STUDIES FIND? The PrEP study reported a 67% relative reduction in the incidence of HIV-1 infection (95% CI 44% to 81%, p
机译:尽管有诸如使用安全套等艾滋病毒一级预防的现行策略,但在世界许多地区,例如撒哈拉以南非洲,艾滋病毒的传播率仍然很高。因此,除了实施现有策略之外,开发对抗感染的新颖方法也是人们期待已久的追求。为什么需要这些研究?两项随机对照试验(RCT)提示,与安慰剂相比,替诺福韦和恩曲他滨(TDF-FTC)的组合可有效预防男男性接触者[1]和异性恋女性[2]中的HIV传播。但是,其他研究的发现却截然不同。为了解决这个问题,进行了三项大型随机对照试验,最近在《新英格兰医学杂志》上已有报道。其中包括针对东非HIV-1不和谐的异性恋男性和女性的伴侣暴露前预防研究(PrEP)[3],FEM-PrEP(与PrEP类似但仅针对女性的研究)[4]和TDF2研究(博茨瓦纳异性恋男性和女性中替诺福韦和恩曲他滨与安慰剂的比较研究[5]。这些研究有什么发现? PrEP研究报告HIV-1感染的发生率相对降低了67%(95%CI从44%降至81%,p



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