首页> 外文期刊>Journal of physiotherapy >Expectations about recovery from acute non-specific low back pain predict absence from usual work due to chronic low back pain: a systematic review

Expectations about recovery from acute non-specific low back pain predict absence from usual work due to chronic low back pain: a systematic review




Question Do negative expectations in patients after the onset of acute low back pain increase the odds of absence from usual work due to progression to chronic low back pain? Design Systematic review with meta-analysis of prospective inception cohort studies. Participants Adults with acute or subacute non-specific low back pain. Outcome measure Absence from usual work at a given time point greater than 12 weeks after the onset of pain due to ongoing pain. Results Ten studies involving 4683 participants were included in the review. Participants with acute or subacute pain and negative expectations about their recovery had significantly greater odds of being absent from usual work at a given time point more than 12 weeks after the onset of pain: OR 2.17 (95% CI 1.61 to 2.91). The exclusion of five studies with the greatest risk of bias showed that the result was similar when more rigorous quality criteria were applied: OR 2.52 (95% CI 1.47 to 4.31). Conclusion The odds that adults with acute or subacute non-specific low back pain and negative recovery expectations will remain absent from work due to progression to chronic low back pain are two times greater than for those with more positive expectations. These results were consistent across the included studies despite variations in the risk of bias.
机译:问题急性下腰痛发作后患者的消极期望会增加由于进展为慢性下腰痛而导致缺勤的可能性吗?使用前瞻性队列研究的荟萃分析进行设计系统评价。参与者患有急性或亚急性非特异性下腰痛的成年人。结果度量由于持续性疼痛,在疼痛发作后大于12周的给定时间点,没有进行日常工作。结果纳入10项研究,涉及4683名参与者。患有急性或亚急性疼痛且对康复的期望值较低的参与者在疼痛发作后超过12周的给定时间点没有参加常规工作的几率明显更高:OR 2.17(95%CI 1.61至2.91)。排除五项偏倚风险最大的研究表明,当采用更严格的质量标准时,结果相似:OR 2.52(95%CI 1.47至4.31)。结论由于进展为慢性下背痛,患有急性或亚急性非特异性下背痛且负的恢复期望值的成年人仍将缺席工作的几率比那些具有更积极期望值的成年人高出两倍。尽管存在偏倚风险,但这些结果在纳入的研究中是一致的。



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