
Personality and uveitis




Psycho-immunology is an emerging branch of science which studies the interaction between the brain and the immune system. The purpose of this study is to identify the types of personality factors in patients with non-infectious uveitis and to find its association with a particular uveitic entity if any. This is a prospective, observational, case-control study of 186 patients with non-infectious uveitis (group A) and controls from general ophthalmology outpatient department (group B). “Global 5/SLOAN” personality questionnaire was used which is based on the five-factor theory of personality which describes personality factors based on the presence or absence of five primary dimensions, viz extroversion, orderliness, emotional stability, accommodation, and intellectual curiosity. Personality factors of patients from groups A and B were compared. History of present illness, clinical diagnosis, details of systemic ailment, and demographic information were collected. Group A comprised HLA-B27-related uveitis (n?=?30), uveitis due to sarcoidosis (n?=?10), Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (n?=?5), sclero-kerato-uveitis due to rheumatoid arthritis (n?=?5), and idiopathic uveitis in rest. Forty-five patients with uveitis had associated systemic ailment. Uveitis patients (n?=?56) showed positive personality trait: S (social), C (calm), O (organized), A (accommodative), and I (inquisitive). In contrast, the control group (group B) which mainly comprised patients with non-pathological refractive error and visually insignificant cataract showed more number of negative personality traits (n?=?62): R (reserved), L (limbic), U (unstructured), E (egocentric), and N (non-curious). This difference between the uveitis and control group was found to be statistically significant (p?≤?0.001). The difference was also statistically significant for O (p?=?0.008), U (p?=?0.004), and C (p?=?0.022) with chi-square test. Calm personality was found to be significantly associated with HLA-B27-related uveitis (p?=?0.002). N, S, and A traits were seen almost equal in numbers in both the groups. U trait was absent in group A, whereas I trait had negligible presence in group B. Our finding of an association between organized personality type and uveitis and calm personality and HLA-B27-related uveitis warrants further studies to understand the complex mechanism of psycho-immunology in uveitis.
机译:心理免疫学是研究大脑与免疫系统之间相互作用的科学的新兴分支。这项研究的目的是确定非感染性葡萄膜炎患者的人格因素类型,并找出其与特定葡萄膜实体的关系。这是一项对186例非感染性葡萄膜炎患者(A组)和普通眼科门诊患者(B组)的对照的前瞻性,观察性病例对照研究。使用“全球5 / SLOAN”人格问卷,该问卷基于人格五因素理论,该理论基于五个主要维度(即外向性,有序性,情绪稳定性,适应性和智力好奇心)的存在或不存在来描述人格因素。比较了A组和B组患者的人格因素。收集了当前病史,临床诊断,全身疾病的详细信息以及人口统计学信息。 A组包括与HLA-B27相关的葡萄膜炎(n = 30),结节病引起的葡萄膜炎(n = 10),Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada综合征(n = 5),硬化性角膜葡萄膜炎。类风湿关节炎(n = 5)和特发性葡萄膜炎。四十五例葡萄膜炎患者伴有全身性疾病。葡萄膜炎患者(n = 56)显示出积极的人格特质:S(社交),C(镇静),O(有组织),A(适应性)和I(好奇)。相反,主要由非病理性屈光不正和白内障无视力的患者组成的对照组(B组)表现出更多的负性格特征(n≥62):R(保留),L(边缘),U (非结构化),E(以自我为中心)和N(非好奇)。发现葡萄膜炎和对照组之间的差异具有统计学意义(p≤≤0.001)。用卡方检验,O(p≥0.008),U(p≥0.004)和C(p≥0.022)的差异也具有统计学意义。冷静的人格与HLA-B27相关的葡萄膜炎显着相关(p = 0.002)。在两组中,N,S和A性状的数量几乎相等。在A组中没有U特质,而B组中I特质的存在可忽略不计。我们发现有组织的人格类型与葡萄膜炎和镇定人格以及与HLA-B27相关的葡萄膜炎之间的关联值得进一步研究,以了解心理心理疾病的复杂机制。葡萄膜炎的免疫学。



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