首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oncology Practice >Implementation of a Breast/Reconstruction Surgery Coordinator to Reduce Preoperative Delays for Patients Undergoing Mastectomy With Immediate Reconstruction

Implementation of a Breast/Reconstruction Surgery Coordinator to Reduce Preoperative Delays for Patients Undergoing Mastectomy With Immediate Reconstruction




AbstractPurpose:Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (MIR) requires coordination between breast and reconstructive surgical teams, leading to increased preoperative delays that may adversely impact patient outcomes and satisfaction. Our cancer center established a target of 28 days from initial consultation with the breast surgeon to MIR. We sought to determine if a centralized breast/reconstructive surgical coordinator (BRC) could reduce care delays.Methods:A 60-day pilot to evaluate the impact of a BRC on timeliness of care was initiated at our cancer center. All reconstructive surgery candidates were referred to the BRC, who had access to surgical clinic and operating room schedules. The BRC worked with both surgical services to identify the earliest surgery dates and facilitated operative bookings. The median time to MIR and the proportion of MIR cases that met the time-to-treatment goal was determined. These results were compared with a baseline cohort of patients undergoing MIR during the same time period (January to March) in 2013 and 2014.Results:A total of 99 patients were referred to the BRC (62% cancer, 21% neoadjuvant, 17% prophylactic) during the pilot period. Focusing exclusively on patients with a cancer diagnosis, an 18.5% increase in the percentage of cases meeting the target (P = .04) and a 7-day reduction to MIR (P = .02) were observed.Conclusion:A significant reduction in time to MIR was achieved through the implementation of the BRC. Further research is warranted to validate these findings and assess the impact the BRC has on operational efficiency and workflows.
机译:摘要目的:立即重建乳房切除术(MIR)需要乳房和重建外科手术团队之间的协调,导致术前延迟增加,这可能对患者的治疗效果和满意度产生不利影响。我们的癌症中心设定了从与乳腺外科医生初诊到MIR的28天目标。我们试图确定集中式乳房/整形外科手术协调员(BRC)是否可以减少护理延迟。方法:在我们的癌症中心启动了一个为期60天的飞行员,以评估BRC对护理及时性的影响。所有接受整形外科手术的候选人都被转交给了BRC,BRC可以访问外科诊所和手术室时间表。 BRC与这两家手术服务处一起确定最早的手术日期,并为手术预约提供了便利。确定达到MIR的中位时间和达到治疗时间目标的MIR病例的比例。将这些结果与2013年和2014年同期(1月至3月)接受MIR治疗的基线患者队列进行比较。结果:共有99例患者接受了BRC治疗(62%的癌症,21%的新辅助治疗,17%的患者)预防性)。专心于癌症诊断的患者,观察到达到目标的病例百分比增加了18.5%(P = .04),观察到的MIR减少了7天(P = .02)。通过实施BRC,实现了MIR时间。有必要进行进一步的研究来验证这些发现并评估BRC对运营效率和工作流程的影响。



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