首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oncology Practice >Spanish As a Primary Language and Its Effect on Breast Cancer Presentation

Spanish As a Primary Language and Its Effect on Breast Cancer Presentation




Abstract In the authors' patient population, non–English-speaking Hispanic patients presented at more advanced stages than their English-speaking counterparts. Purpose: It is well documented that patients without health insurance tend to present at more advanced cancer stages than those with insurance. What has not been well documented is the effect that primary language has on cancer stage presentation. Given the significant number uninsured patients and patients not fluent in English who are treated at our institution, we sought to identify how these parameters affect cancer staging at presentation using breast cancer as a model. Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review over a 36-month period at an urban community hospital. Patients who received their initial surgical treatment at this facility were included. One hundred seventy patients were identified. Definitive breast cancer surgery, breast cancer stage, and type were recorded for all subjects. We analyzed patient demographics including ethnicity, primary language spoken, and insurance status. Results: All patients were female. Patient populations were evenly distributed among three major ethnicities: 39% were African American, 36% were white, 23% were Hispanic, and 2% were listed as “other.” Seventy percent of Hispanic patients noted that English was not their primary language. Ten percent of the white population presented at stage III or greater compared with 16% of African Americans and 22% of Hispanics. Twenty-seven percent of non–English-speaking Hispanics presented with advanced-stage disease. Conclusion: Non–English-speaking Hispanic patients presented at more advanced stages than their English-speaking counterparts. Health care reform must address the non–English-speaking Hispanic to effectively improve the health of all groups in the United States.
机译:摘要在作者的患者人群中,非英语的西班牙裔患者比英语国家的患者处于晚期。目的:有据可查的是,没有健康保险的患者比有保险的患者更容易出现癌症。尚未被充分记录的是主要语言对癌症分期表现的影响。鉴于在我们机构接受治疗的未保险患者和英语不流利的患者人数众多,我们寻求使用乳腺癌作为模型来确定这些参数如何影响呈报时的癌症分期。方法:我们在一个城市社区医院进行了为期36个月的回顾性图表审查。包括在该机构接受初始手术治疗的患者。确定了一百七十名患者。记录所有受试者的确定性乳腺癌手术,乳腺癌分期和类型。我们分析了患者的人口统计资料,包括种族,主要语言和保险状况。结果:所有患者均为女性。患者人群平均分布在三个主要种族中:39%是非洲裔美国人,36%是白人,23%是西班牙裔,2%被列为“其他”。 70%的西班牙裔患者指出英语不是他们的主要语言。处于第三阶段或更高阶段的白人人口比例为10%,而非洲裔美国人和西班牙裔美国人为16%。 27%的非英语拉美裔患者患有晚期疾病。结论:非英语的西班牙裔患者比英语国家的患者处于晚期。医疗改革必须解决非英语的拉美裔,以有效改善美国所有群体的健康。



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