首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Natural Sciences Research >Genetic Variability among Six Traits in Twelve Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Genotypes in Southern Tanzania

Genetic Variability among Six Traits in Twelve Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Genotypes in Southern Tanzania

机译:坦桑尼亚南部十二个木薯(Manihot esculenta Crantz)基因型的六个性状间的遗传变异



Twelve cassava genotypes were evaluated to assess genetic variability for root yield and its components at three locations (Naliendele, Mtopwa and Nachingwea) in Southern Tanzania during 2011/2012 cropping season. Data exploited for this purpose were, number of branches per plant, plant height, root number, root weight, shoot weight and root dry matter. Genotype x location interaction was significant for all the characters studied indicating considerable influence of the environment on the expression of the traits. High heritability and relatively high genetic gain were observed in plant height (72.90% and 36.67%), stem girth (69.41% and 33.63%) and roots per plant (44.88 and 37.05%) respectively, suggesting that the traits are primarily under genetic control and that reliable selection with simple recurrent phenotypic selection would be rewarding. Most of genotypic correlations were significant and positive. Though genotypes differed significantly at (p > 0.05) for all the traits studied, two genotypes (NDL 2006/487 and NDL 2006/438) and two varieties (Kiroba and Naliendele), were found to constitute a pool of germplasm with adequate genetic variability from which selection will bring about significant progress in cassava improvement programs. Keywords: Cassava genotypes, Root yield, Genetic variability, Heritability, Genetic gain, Genetic correlations.
机译:评估了十二个木薯基因型,以评估2011/2012种植季节坦桑尼亚南部三个地点(纳利恩代勒,姆托普瓦和那兴威亚)根产量及其组成部分的遗传变异性。为此目的利用的数据是,每株植物的枝条数量,株高,根数,根重,枝条重量和根干物质。基因型x位置相互作用对于所有研究的性状均具有重要意义,表明环境对性状表达的影响很大。在植株高度(72.90%和36.67%),茎周长(69.41%和33.63%)和根系(分别为44.88和37.05%)上观察到高的遗传力和相对高的遗传增益,表明该性状主要受遗传控制。可靠的选择和简单的反复表型选择将是有益的。大多数基因型相关性是显着的和正相关的。尽管所有研究的性状的基因型差异显着(p> 0.05),但发现两个基因型(NDL 2006/487和NDL 2006/438)和两个变体(Kiroba和Naliendele)构成了具有足够遗传变异性的种质库从中选择将为木薯改良计划带来重大进展。关键词:木薯基因型根产量遗传变异遗传力遗传增益遗传相关



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