首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Natural Sciences Research >Woody Species Diversity and Their Preferences on Farmers’ Land Holding

Woody Species Diversity and Their Preferences on Farmers’ Land Holding




Assessments of the available wood resources on farmers’ holdings are reflections of their preferences. The study was conducted in Bahir Dar Zuriya District, Amhara-Ethiopia, with the objectives of assessing the woody species diversity and household characteristics that contribute to the woody species diversity and their preferences. This study revealed that a total of 59 tree/shrub species were recorded with the average of 21 per sampled household farms ranging from 4 – 55 species. The highest species richness was recorded at homegarden agroforestry practices.. Species composition of the three study KAs was compared and the dissimilarity in woody species composition among them calculated, hence the dissimilarity was 10%, 31% and 32% between Yobab-Chencher and Chenta Sostu; Yibab-Chencher and Kenbaba; and Chenta-Sostu and Kenbaba, respectively. Importance of individual tree/shrub species at farm-level was assessed and Eucalyptus camaldulensis was ranked first with mean importance value index (IVI) of 57%. Farmers at the study site have developed experiences in identifying their tree/shrub species preferences for different purposes. Therefore, farmers’ woody species preference should be acknowledged and kept in touch; which will be invaluable in developing plans for researchers, development agents and any other development practitioners. Keywords: tree/shrub, species diversity, farmers' preferences, farm, household, wealth category,



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