首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems >AES Encryption and Decryption Using Direct3D 10 API

AES Encryption and Decryption Using Direct3D 10 API

机译:使用Direct3D 10 API的AES加密和解密



Current video cards (GPUs – Graphics Processing Units) are very programmable, have become much more powerful than the CPUs and they are very affordable. In this paper, we present an implementation for the AES algorithm using Direct3D 10 certified GPUs. The graphics API Direct3D 10 is the first version that allows the use of integer operations, making from the traditional GPUs (that works only with floating point numbers), General Purpose GPUs that can be used for a large number of algorithms, including encryption. We present the performance of the symmetric key encryption algorithm – AES, on a middle range GPU and on a middle range quad core CPU. On the testing system, the developed solution is almost 3 times faster on the GPU than on one single core CPU, showing that the GPU can perform as an efficient cryptographic accelerator.
机译:当前的视频卡(GPU –图形处理单元)具有很高的可编程性,已经比CPU强大得多,而且价格实惠。在本文中,我们介绍了使用Direct3D 10认证GPU的AES算法实现。图形API Direct3D 10是第一个允许使用整数运算的版本,它是由传统GPU(仅适用于浮点数)和通用GPU构成的,通用GPU可用于包括加密在内的多种算法。我们介绍了对称密钥加密算法AES在中型GPU和中型四核CPU上的性能。在测试系统上,开发的解决方案在GPU上的速度几乎是一个单核CPU的3倍,这表明GPU可以充当高效的密码加速器。



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