首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematics and Statistics >A New Weighted Rank Correlation | Science Publications

A New Weighted Rank Correlation | Science Publications




> Problem Statement: There have been many cases in real life where two independent sources have ranked n objects, with the interest focused on agreement in the top rankings. Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau coefficients assigned equal weights to all rankings. As a result, the literature proposed several weighted correlation coefficients with emphasis on the top rankings, including the top-down, weighted Kendall's Tau and Blest's correlation coefficient. Approach: This article introduced a new weighted rank correlation coefficient that was sensitive to agreement in the top rankings. It presented the limiting distribution under the null hypothesis of independence and provided a summary of quantiles of the exact null distribution for n = 3(1)9. Results: The article summarized the power comparison between the new weighted coefficient and other weighted coefficients, and showed that the new weighted rank correlation coefficient provided the locally most powerful rank test. Conclusions/Recommendations: The new weighted correlation should be used along with other weighted coefficients when the interest focused on agreement in the top rankings, in order to make an effective inference.
机译: > 问题陈述:在现实生活中,有很多情况是两个独立的资料来源对n个对象进行了排名,而兴趣主要集中在排名靠前的位置。 Spearman的rho和Kendall的tau系数为所有排名分配相同的权重。结果,文献提出了几个加权相关系数,重点放在了最高排名上,包括自上而下,加权肯德尔的Tau和Blest的相关系数。 方法:本文介绍了一个新的加权排名相关系数,该系数对最高排名中的一致性很敏感。它给出了独立零假设下的极限分布,并对n = 3(1)9的精确零分布的分位数进行了总结。 结果:文章总结了新的加权系数与其他加权系数之间的功效比较,并表明新的加权秩相关系数提供了局部最有力的秩次检验。 结论/建议:当兴趣集中在最高排名时,应将新的加权相关系数与其他加权系数一起使用,以便做出有效的推断。



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