首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. >Topical Heparin: A Better Sanative For Burns Patient than Conventional Treatment.

Topical Heparin: A Better Sanative For Burns Patient than Conventional Treatment.




Background: Burns trauma represents a major cause ofmorbidity and mortality. Tackling the pain andproviding a better healing with conventional therapieshave been compared to that by using topical heparinapplication in 40% burns. Aim and Objectives: Tocompare pain score, healing, duration of hospital stayafter applying topical heparin and conventionaltreatment for burns 40%. Material and Methods: Atotal of 80 patients were included in the study anddivided into 2 groups Heparin (H) and Control (C)group with 40 patients in each group. H group receivedunfractioned Heparin 25,000 IU / 5ml and C groupreceived silver based antimicrobial cream and paraffingauze. Results: Maximum number of patients belongedto the age group (15-35years = 65.5%). The maximumnumber of patients who sustained thermal injuries wasfrom 11-20% (23 patients) and 31-40% (22 patients).The patients in H group had a significant decrease intheir pain score (p 0.001) when compared to C group.The days of hospitalization was reduced significantlyin patients receiving topical Heparin therapy whencompared with the C group. Majority of the patients inH group (36 patients, 90%) had only 1-2 doses/day ofanalgesic medication administered to them. Patients inC group (26 patients, 65%) had to be given 3-4 divideddoses/day of analgesia. Conclusions: From this study itwas concluded that topical application of Heparinreduces pain, duration of hospital stay, rates of woundinfection, cost and time required for dressing.
机译:背景:烧伤创伤是发病率和死亡率的主要原因。与使用局部肝素治疗小于40%的烧伤相比,使用常规疗法可缓解疼痛并提供更好的愈合。目的和目的:比较局部用肝素和常规治疗烧伤<40%后的疼痛评分,愈合情况,住院时间。材料与方法:本研究共纳入80例患者,分为肝素(H)组和对照组(C)2组,每组40例。 H组接受普通肝素25,000 IU / 5ml,C组接受银基抗菌霜和石蜡。结果:该年龄段(15-35岁= 65.5%)的最大患者数。遭受热损伤的最大患者数为11-20%(23例)和31-40%(22例)。H组患者的疼痛评分较C组显着降低(p <0.001)。与C组相比,接受局部肝素治疗的患者的住院天数明显减少。 H组的大多数患者(36名患者,90%)每天仅接受1-2剂镇痛药物。 C组患者(26例患者,占65%)必须每天分3-4次镇痛。结论:从这项研究得出的结论是,局部应用肝素可减少疼痛,住院时间,伤口感染率,换药所需的费用和时间。



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