首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization >Comparative Study of Perpetrators of Corruption Between Indonesia and China

Comparative Study of Perpetrators of Corruption Between Indonesia and China




The essence of Indonesia as law state is that have legal basis in actualizing the goals of the state which is to provide prosperity with a sense of security, peace, order and justice in accordance with law. It has been stipulated that the law enforcement in Indonesia is carried out by the judicial authority, where it is free and independent without influence from other parties. Indonesian instruments of corruption is the Law No. 3of 1971 concerning eradication of corruption, and changed to the Law No 31of1999 and finally replaced by the Law No 20 of 2001. In term of Chinese practice, the Chinese government show its seriousness in combating corruption. One of them is also manifested by ratified the UN Convention against corruption which includes bribes to public officials as a crime by the National People's Congress in October 2005. China's economy which rapidly growing raises new problems for the country. Some of these issues are the development gap between the eastern and southern coastal areas with central and western regions, greater number of unemployment, and widespread corruption. Corruption is a considerable threat to the Chinese economy. In the context law enforcement, both conutries acknowledged the deathpenalty for the perpetrators.



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