首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry >Comparison of the bleaching efficacy of three different agents used for intracoronal bleaching of discolored primary teeth: An in vitro study

Comparison of the bleaching efficacy of three different agents used for intracoronal bleaching of discolored primary teeth: An in vitro study




Everyone wants whiter teeth to make them feel younger and to provide beautiful smiles with the accompanying increase in self-esteem. Bleaching is an established, simple, cost-effective and conservative method for improving the color of the discolored teeth. Aim: The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the bleaching efficacy of 10% carbamide peroxide, 10% hydrogen peroxide and 2g sodium perborate as bleaching agents on the artificially discolored human primary maxillary central incisors. Materials and Methods: Forty extracted human primary central incisors with intact crowns were selected for the study. Pulpectomy was performed and each tooth was artificially stained with 2 ml of fresh human blood and centrifuged. --The teeth were randomly divided into four experimental groups of 10 teeth each and the baseline color evaluation was performed. 0.04 ml of the bleaching agent is syringed into the access cavity of the tooth and, in the control group, 0.04 ml of distilled water was syringed into the access cavity and it was sealed with IRM and placed at 37°C in an incubator throughout the experiment. The color of the bleached teeth was determined at 0, 7 and 14 days. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA and Turkey's test. Results: There was statistical significance (P = 0.00) among the carbamide peroxide, sodium perborate, hydrogen peroxide and control groups after 7 and 14 days and a significance of P = 0.013 among the carbamide peroxide, sodium perborate and hydrogen peroxide after two bleaching sessions (day 14) was seen. Conclusions: The bleaching efficacy of 10% hydrogen peroxide gel was more effective than 10% carbamide peroxide and sodium perborate in bleaching the artificially discolored primary teeth.
机译:每个人都希望洁白的牙齿使他们感到年轻,并伴随着自尊心的增加而提供美丽的笑容。漂白是一种成熟,简单,经济高效且保守的方法,用于改善变色牙齿的颜色。目的:这项体外研究的目的是比较10%的过氧化脲,10%的过氧化氢和2g的过硼酸钠作为漂白剂对人为褪色的人上颌中切牙的漂白效果。材料和方法:选择40具完整冠冠的提取人原发中切牙进行研究。进行牙髓切除术,并用2 ml新鲜的人血对每颗牙齿进行人工染色并离心。 -将牙齿随机分为四个实验组,每组10个牙齿,并进行基线颜色评估。将0.04 ml的漂白剂注射到牙齿的进入腔中,在对照组中,将0.04 ml的蒸馏水注射到进入腔中,并用IRM密封,并在整个培养箱中置于37°C的恒温箱中。实验。在0、7和14天确定漂白牙齿的颜色。使用方差分析和土耳其检验分析获得的数据。结果:7天和14天后过氧化脲,过硼酸钠,过氧化氢和对照组之间具有统计学意义(P = 0.00),两次漂白后过氧化脲,过硼酸钠和过氧化氢之间的P = 0.013的显着性(第14天)被看到。结论:10%过氧化氢凝胶的漂白效果比10%过氧化脲和过硼酸钠的漂白效果更有效。



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