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One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: on the Politics of Sustainability in the U.S.




With the UN Conference on Sustainable Development occurring in 2012, this essay asks whether or not changes towards sustainability can be documented over the past twenty years and, if not, to ask why not, and what might be necessary to better ensure that movement towards sustainability characterizes the next twenty years.Looking at the performance of the United States, it finds that measures of all major dimensions of sustainability-environment, social equity, and economic viability-reveal little progress towards sustainability. In trying to explain this lack of progress, our claim is that the “problem” of sustainability is not primarily technical or scientific, but rather it is political, and the real problem is that of power. In the US in recent years, anti-sustainability movements have captured national politics by removing sustainability from the national dialogue and from the agenda of public decision-making, and through the process of decentralization of decision-making to more local contexts where they may more easily control direct conflicts in decision.Why are Americans sanguine about issues of sustainability? The essay examines three core beliefs that dominate American perceptions: (1) problems associated with lack of sustainability can and will be managed by simple economic growth, (2) whatever scarcities and problems we face down the road will be cured by advances in science and technology, and (3) fairness is more important than equality.The concluding section calls for adoption of a “deep sustainability” paradigm versus the kind of “shallow sustainability” that characterizes the majority of policy and programs today labeled as sustainable. Borrowing the ecosophic concept of “deep ecology” from Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess, the guiding principle of a deep sustainability is one of equality, equality first of all among environmental, economic, and social objectives, and then social equity within each of these dimensions. Sustainability cannot be achieved under systems that have as their basic assumption the roles of winners and losers, rich and poor, haves and have-nots. If Rio+20 offers only solutions within the existing powerful paradigm of market-driven solutions, then the “green economy” will mean more commodification of food and water, land and biodiversity. It will mean that we have fallen further behind in our quest for sustainability.
机译:随着2012年联合国可持续发展大会的召开,本文询问过去20年是否可以记录对可持续发展的变化,如果不能,请问为什么不可以,以及为更好地确保向可持续发展迈进的必要条件以美国的表现为特征,研究发现,对美国可持续发展的所有主要方面的衡量标准-环境,社会公平和经济生存能力-都显示出在可持续性方面的进步很小。在试图解释这种缺乏进步的过程中,我们声称可持续性的“问题”主要不是技术或科学问题,而是政治问题,真正的问题是权力问题。近年来,在美国,反可持续性运动通过将可持续性从国家对话和公共决策议程中移除,并通过将决策权下放到更多地方环境中的过程,从而夺取了国家政治。轻松控制决策中的直接冲突。为什么美国人对可持续性问题持乐观态度?本文考察了主导美国观念的三种核心信念:(1)与可持续性不足相关的问题可以并且将通过简单的经济增长来解决;(2)我们在道路上遇到的任何稀缺和问题都将通过科学和技术的发展而得到解决。技术,以及(3)公平比平等更为重要。结论部分呼吁采用“深度可持续性”范式,而非采用“浅层可持续性”范式,后者代表了当今大多数被标记为可持续性的政策和计划。挪威哲学家阿内·纳斯(Arne Naess)借用了“深层生态学”的生态哲学概念,深层可持续性的指导原则是平等,首先是环境,经济和社会目标之间的平等,然后是这些方面中每个方面的社会公平。在以赢家和输家,富人和穷人,有和没有的角色为基本假设的系统下,无法实现可持续性。如果Rio + 20仅在市场驱动的解决方案的现有强大范式内提供解决方案,那么“绿色经济”将意味着粮食,水,土地和生物多样性的更多商品化。这将意味着我们在追求可持续性方面进一步落后了。



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