首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship >Serial entrepreneurs in the Waterloo ecosystem

Serial entrepreneurs in the Waterloo ecosystem




Abstract The framework for this study is based on the research and literature related to serial entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Our sample is 12 serial entrepreneurs within a single context—the Waterloo Region—that has been ranked as one of the top start-up ecosystems in the world. In 2012, it was ranked 16th with 32?% of the start-ups identified as being led by serial entrepreneurs. The study provides an understanding of the characteristics that define a mature ecosystem, with specific input on the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. We profile the 12 entrepreneurs to provide a review of their businesses, the contributions they have made within their ecosystem, and their statements on what they have learned in the process of leading multiple ventures. This research may be useful for communities and nations that seek to focus on entrepreneurship as a means for economic growth. It should also stimulate further research on contextual issues and examine serial entrepreneurs within their own ecosystem.
机译:摘要这项研究的框架是基于有关连续企业家和企业家生态系统的研究和文献。我们的样本是在单个背景下的12个连续企业家(滑铁卢地区),该地区被评为世界上顶级的创业生态系统之一。 2012年,在32%的初创企业由连续企业家领导的情况下,它排名第16位。这项研究提供了对定义成熟生态系统的特征的理解,并向加拿大安大略省滑铁卢地区市政当局提供了具体投入。我们介绍了这12位企业家,以回顾他们的业务,他们在生态系统中所做的贡献以及他们在领导多个合资企业过程中所学到的知识的陈述。这项研究对于寻求将企业家精神作为经济增长手段的社区和国家可能是有用的。它还应激发对上下文问题的进一步研究,并检查其自身生态系统中的连续企业家。



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