首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry >Mother's knowledge about pre-school child's oral health

Mother's knowledge about pre-school child's oral health




Children under the age of 5 years generally spend most of their time with their parents and guardians, especially mothers, even when they attend pre-schools or nurseries. It has been found that young children's oral health maintenance and outcomes are influenced by their parent's knowledge and beliefs. This study was done to assess the mother's knowledge about the oral health of their pre-school children in Moradabad, India. Mothers of children aged 1-4 years, attending the hospital for vaccination or regular checkups in the pediatric division of government hospitals, were invited to participate in the study. A 20-item questionnaire covering socio-demographic characteristics, dietary practices, oral hygiene practices and importance of deciduous teeth, was distributed to their mothers, during their visit to the hospital. Responses of the mothers were recorded on a Likert Scale. The sample comprised 406 mothers, with the mean age of children being 3.8 years. Three hundred (73.8%) mothers had a good knowledge about diet and dietary practices, while only 110 (27.1%) and 103 (25.4%) mothers were found to have a good knowledge about the importance of oral hygiene practices and importance of deciduous teeth, respectively. Mothers with higher educational qualification and information gained through dentist had a better knowledge about child's oral health. Oral hygiene habits and dietary habits are established during pre-school days and the parents, especially mothers, function as role models for their children.
机译:5岁以下的儿童通常大部分时间都陪伴父母和监护人,尤其是母亲,即使他们上学前班或托儿所也是如此。已经发现,幼儿的口腔健康维持和结果受父母的知识和信念影响。这项研究旨在评估母亲对印度莫拉达巴德学龄前儿童口腔健康的知识。邀请参加政府疫苗接种或在政府医院儿科定期检查的1-4岁儿童的母亲参加研究。在访问医院期间,向母亲分发了一份包括社会人口统计学特征,饮食习惯,口腔卫生习惯和乳牙重要性的20项问卷。母亲的反应以李克特量表记录。样本包括406名母亲,孩子的平均年龄为3.8岁。三百(73.8%)名母亲对饮食和饮食习惯有很好的了解,而只有110名(27.1%)和103名(25.4%)母亲对口腔卫生习惯和乳牙的重要性有很好的了解。 , 分别。具有较高学历和通过牙医获得的信息的母亲对孩子的口腔健康有更好的了解。在学龄前就建立了口腔卫生习惯和饮食习惯,父母尤其是母亲成为孩子的榜样。



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