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Italy and a Needed Public Investment Boost: The Demand and the Supply Side




The controversial nature of public investment as a countercyclical demand stimulus has contributed to obscure the issue of its long term fall, with many governments feeling justified in making deeper cuts for public investment expenditure during both phases of the economic cycle, and many others favoring public-private partnerships and other forms of blended financing. In addition to the overall fall, an asset substitution process has progressively reduced the truly social part of public investment, which in developing and developed countries alike may be well below the mark of 1-2% of GDP. This negative trend is made more dramatic by the fact that virtually the only public investment with a reach beyond the single countries is of public- private nature and thus explicitly excludes multilateral assets of pure public good nature, such as intercountry infrastructure and multilateral social welfare programs. The situation is especially dramatic for Italy, where the fall of public investment has contributed to the decline of key components of the country human and social capital endowment. This article explores some of the most important dimensions of this phenomenon, concentrating on the supply rather than the demand side effects, and proposes a solution based on a conditioned expansion of European public investment, concentrated in highly productive assets such as education and infrastructure.
机译:公共投资作为反周期需求刺激的有争议性质,使它的长期下降问题变得模糊,许多政府认为在经济周期的两个阶段进一步削减公共投资支出是合理的,而许多其他政府则倾向于公共投资。私人合伙企业和其他形式的混合融资。除了总体下降之外,资产替代过程还逐步减少了公共投资的真正社会部分,无论是在发展中国家还是发达国家,这都可能大大低于GDP的1-2%。事实上,只有单一国家以外的唯一公共投资具有公私性质,因此明确地排除了纯公共利益性质的多边资产,例如国家间基础设施和多边社会福利计划,从而使这种负面趋势更加严重。 。对于意大利而言,情况尤为严重,意大利的公共投资下降导致该国人力和社会资本end赋的关键组成部分下降。本文探讨了这一现象的一些最重要方面,着眼于供应而不是需求的副作用,并提出了一种基于欧洲公共投资的有条件扩张的解决方案,该解决方案主要集中在教育和基础设施等高生产率资产上。



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