首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Financial Risk Management >Whether Cash Dividend Policy of Chinese Listed Companies Caters to Investors’ Preference

Whether Cash Dividend Policy of Chinese Listed Companies Caters to Investors’ Preference




From the perspective of catering theory of dividends, this paper studies the relationship between cash dividend policy and investors’ preference, and also the relationship between cash dividend policy and enterprise features, making use of 2008-2014 data of listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchanges. Our research discovers that rising corporate profitability and scale increase willingness to pay cash dividends of listed companies, whereas increasing investment opportunities significantly reduce the cash dividend payment. We create the variables of propensity to pay and dividend premium. The 2008-2014 dividend premium in Shanghai Exchange is negative and is negatively correlated with propensity to pay, showing that cash dividend policy still does not cater to investors’ preference after the completion of no-tradable shares reform.
机译:从股利分配理论的角度,利用沪深两市上市公司2008-2014年的数据,研究了现金股利政策与投资者偏好之间的关系,以及现金股利政策与企业特征之间的关系。 。我们的研究发现,不断提高的企业盈利能力和规模会增加支付上市公司现金股利的意愿,而增加投资机会会大大减少现金股利的支付。我们创建了支付倾向和股息溢价的变量。上海交易所2008-2014年的股息溢价为负,与支付意愿呈负相关,表明现金分红政策仍无法满足股权分置改革后投资者的偏好。



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