首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Research for University Students’ Levels of Dealing with Stress from Different Types of Variables

Research for University Students’ Levels of Dealing with Stress from Different Types of Variables




This research aims to investigate university students’ levels of dealing with stress, from different types of variables. The study was carried out on a total of 500 individuals, including 346 female and 154 male students studying at Atatürk University Kazim Karabekir Faculty of Education in 2016/2017 academic year. In this work, Oral, ?ok ve Kutlu (2005) "The Level of dealing with Stress in Educational System" scale was for the students. SPSS 21 package program was used in the analysis of the data. For the analysis of the data, and in determining the demographics, the frequency distribution was used. T test was applied to examine the relationship between two independent variables and stress coping sub-dimensions and Anova Warians analysis tests were used to examine the relationship between two and over variables and stress subscale sub-dimensions. The difference between the variables has been interpreted on the basis of p0.05 significance level. According to the findings, it was found that, there is a significant difference between individuals' stress coping sub-dimensions and gender, book reading habits and spare time activity. There was no significant difference between age, family structure and monthly income variables.It was found out that the scores of female students were higher than the average scores of male students with regard to studying from students' gender and stress coping levels subscales, preparing for an exam and affective, behavioral sub-dimensions. The students who stated that they had the habit of reading books, were found to have high scores in studying, preparing for an exam and the affective behavioral sub-dimensions. It was deduced that the students who spent their leisure time with their family got higher scores from students who spent their spare times with their friends or alone, with regard to studying, preparing for an exam and the affective behavioral sub-dimensions.In order to make students, more effective and successful in educational system, the factors that affect the stress levels should be determined and similar studies are necessary in order to have positive effects for students, which, constitutes the part of the proposal of our study.
机译:这项研究旨在从不同类型的变量中研究大学生应对压力的水平。这项研究针对2016/2017学年在AtatürkUniversity Kazim Karabekir Education School就读的500名学生进行了研究,包括346名女学生和154名男学生。在这项工作中,Oral,?ok ve Kutlu(2005)的“应对教育系统压力的水平”量表适用于学生。 SPSS 21软件包程序用于数据分析。为了分析数据并确定人口统计数据,使用了频率分布。使用T检验来检验两个自变量与压力应对子维度之间的关系,并使用Anova Warians分析检验来检验两个及以上变量与应力子尺度子维度之间的关系。变量之间的差异已根据p0.05显着性水平进行了解释。根据调查结果,发现个人的压力应对子维度与性别,读书习惯和业余时间活动之间存在显着差异。年龄,家庭结构和月收入变量之间没有显着差异,从学生的性别和压力应对水平子量表研究中,女学生的得分高于男学生的平均得分。考试和情感,行为子维度。那些说自己有读书习惯的学生被发现在学习,准备考试和情感行为方面的得分很高。据推论,与家人一起度过闲暇时间的学生在学习,准备考试和情感行为子维度方面比与朋友或独自度过业余时间的学生得分更高。为了使学生在教育体系中更有效,更成功,应该确定影响压力水平的因素,并且必须进行类似的研究才能对学生产生积极的影响,这构成了本研究计划的一部分。



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