首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >The Role Conception of A Deontological Code for Teachers ? A Study of its Role Performance

The Role Conception of A Deontological Code for Teachers ? A Study of its Role Performance




The role conception and role performance and their complete correspondence in the light of a Deontological code for the teachers form the theme of the present study. The field of ethics gives place to two approaches – Deontological and Teleological. The first deals with duties, actions and rules to be performed and adhere to them strictly and imperatively in their performance. The second concerns with their purpose or Teleology and, therefore, leans towards their evaluations. These two aspects of duties to be performed by professional teachers were exposed with the support of factual and theoretical studies undertaken by eminent researchers in the field of professional ethics in general and for in-service teachers in particular, enriching the area. Finally it was observed that moral and ethical issues in character education are slowly becoming important as a part of teacher education programs where role conception, role demands in relation to role performance are taking firm grounds in their complete correspondence with evaluations. It is proposed therefore that if one takes teaching as a career, one must be committed to it. ‘Be’ a teacher, ‘Remain’ a teacher and ‘Make’ a teacher in his/her choice as a teacher in promotion of values and in the interest of progress of teacher education. Key Words: Deontology, Teleology, Role Conception, Role Performance, Moral Maturity.
机译:根据教师的道义法则,角色概念和角色表现及其完全对应构成了本研究的主题。伦理学领域有两种方法可供选择:道义论和目的论。第一个部分涉及要执行的职责,行动和规则,并在执行中严格和必要地遵守它们。第二个问题与目标或目的论有关,因此倾向于评估。在一般职业道德领域,特别是在职教师领域,由著名研究人员进行的事实和理论研究的支持下,暴露了专业教师应履行的这两个方面的责任。最后,有人指出,作为教师教育计划的一部分,品德教育中的道德和伦理问题正逐渐变得重要,在该计划中,角色概念,与角色表现相关的角色要求在与评估的完全对应中奠定了坚实的基础。因此,建议如果将教学当作职业,就必须致力于教学。 “选择成为老师”,“保留”老师和“让”老师作为教师,以促进价值观和促进教师教育的发展。关键词:道义学,目的论,角色构想,角色表现,道德成熟度。



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