首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Preparedness to IntegrateInformation Communication and Technology in SecondarySchool Mathematics Instruction in Rift Valley Region, Kenya

Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Preparedness to IntegrateInformation Communication and Technology in SecondarySchool Mathematics Instruction in Rift Valley Region, Kenya




Policy makers are increasingly focusing on professional development of teachers as a means of improving teaching. Success in learning mathematics is determined by individual’s ability not only to read and write, but also to frame and solve complex problems and continually learn new skills. The education system in Kenya is increasingly being asked to provide learners with the skills needed to compete in an increasingly complex international market place. For this to be achieved teachers are an integral part of children’s intellectual and social development. Therefore they must know how to teach in ways that help learners reach high levels of competence. A national profile of teacher quality is a necessary tool for tracking our progress towards this goal. In Kenya the students’ performance in mathematics at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education has been dismal over the years and studies have been carried out on students to establish the cause of this failure. Limited research has been carried out to establish whether teacher preparedness influence performance. In this study the researcher sought to address mathematics teachers’ perception of their preparedness to integrate ICT in secondary school mathematics Instruction. The study applied an ex post facto research (causal comparative design) which was seen to be appropriate since the researcher could not manipulate the independent variable. There is a population of 1500 mathematics teachers in Rift Valley Province. A sample of 300 mathematics teachers drawn from secondary schools in Rift Valley Province participated in the study. The participants were selected using systematic random sampling and stratified random sampling (stratified by qualification and gender). The data was collected using self-report questionnaire. The instruments were pilot tested and reliability coefficient was found to be 0.83, which is above the required threshold value of 0.70 Cronbach alpha in social science research. The collected data was analysed using both descriptive (means) and inferential statistics (ANOVA and t-test) to establish differences in teacher perception of their preparedness to teach secondary school mathematics by Teaching Experience, qualification and Gender. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 Alpha (?) level. The findings of this study show that teachers perceive themselves to be less prepared to Integrate ICT secondary school mathematics instructions. The findings indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in teachers’ perception to integrate ICT in secondary mathematics instruction however there was not statistically significant difference by qualification and gender. The findings are expected to inform policy makers on how to include ICT in both pre-service and in-service teacher training programmes. Key words: Teachers’ perceptions, ICT, Preparedness, Instruction, Mathematics
机译:决策者越来越重视教师的专业发展,以此作为改进教学的一种手段。学习数学的成功不仅取决于个人的读写能力,还取决于他们解决和解决复杂问题以及不断学习新技能的能力。越来越多的肯尼亚教育系统被要求为学习者提供在日益复杂的国际市场中竞争所需的技能。为此,教师是儿童智力和社会发展不可或缺的一部分。因此,他们必须知道如何以帮助学习者达到高水平能力的方式进行教学。全国教师素质简介是追踪我们朝着这个目标前进的必要工具。多年来,在肯尼亚,学生在《肯尼亚中学文凭》上的数学成绩一直很差,并且已经对学生进行了研究,以确定造成这种失败的原因。为了确定教师的准备是否会影响绩效,已经进行了有限的研究。在这项研究中,研究人员试图解决数学老师对于他们准备将ICT纳入中学数学教学中的准备的看法。该研究采用事后研究(因果比较设计),这被认为是适当的,因为研究者无法操纵自变量。纵谷省有1500名数学老师。来自裂谷省中学的300名数学老师参加了研究。使用系统随机抽样和分层随机抽样(按资格和性别分层)选择参与者。使用自我报告调查表收集数据。这些仪器经过了先导测试,可靠性系数为0.83,高于社会科学研究中要求的0.70 Cronbach alpha阈值。使用描述性(均值)和推论统计(ANOVA和t检验)对收集到的数据进行分析,以根据教师的教学经验,资格和性别来确定教师对中学数学教学的准备程度的差异。假设在0.05 Alpha(?)水平下进行了测试。这项研究的结果表明,教师认为自己不准备整合ICT中学数学教学。调查结果表明,教师将信息通信技术纳入中学数学教学的看法有统计学意义的差异,但在学历和性别方面没有统计学差异。预期调查结果将使决策者了解如何将ICT纳入职前和在职教师培训计划中。关键词:教师的观念,信息通信技术,准备,教学,数学



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