首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Mathemaphobia and Teaching Learning Materials as Correlates of Pupils Achievement in Mathematics

Mathemaphobia and Teaching Learning Materials as Correlates of Pupils Achievement in Mathematics




The importance of mathematics to the effective daily living and contributions to the scientific and technological advancement of the society cannot be over-emphasized. As important as this subject is, there seems to be a lot variable that promote or inhibit the pupils’ performance in it as various level of Nigerian educational system. The study investigated mathemaphobia and teaching-learning materials as correlates of pupils’ achievement in mathematics. Correlation design was adopted in the study. A sample size of 1,080 students and 48 mathematics teachers were randomly selected for the study. Three instruments (Students Mathemaphobia Questionnaires (SMQ), Teaching-learning Materials Inventory (TMI) and Mathematics Achievement Test) were used for data collection. SMQ was adapted from Sokun (1998) and was revalidated by the researcher while SMQ and TMI were constructed and validated by the researcher. The results of the finding showed a linear relationship between the predictors and the criterion; the combination of predictor variables and students achievement in basic mathematics yielded a multiple correlation of 0.574 with students’ achievement in basic mathematics. The multiple correlation of 0.574 indicates that there is moderate relationship between the predictors and the students’ achievement in basic mathematics; it implied that the obtained regression equation resulting from the set of the four (4) predictor variables allow reliable prediction of students’ achievement in Mathematics. The four predictor variables accounted for 30.7% of the observed variance in the students’ achievement in basic mathematics; only mathemaphobia contributed significantly to the prediction model while the remaining predictors’ contributions were not significant. The study recommends adequate provisions of teaching materials to various basic schools on Oyo state among others.
机译:数学对于有效的日常生活和对社会科学技术进步的贡献的重要性不可过分强调。尽管这门学科很重要,但随着尼日利亚各级教育系统的发展,似乎存在很多促进或抑制学生表现的变量。该研究调查了恐数学和教学材料,将其与学生的数学成绩相关联。该研究采用了相关设计。随机选择了1,080名学生和48位数学老师作为研究样本。三种工具(学生数学恐惧症问卷(SMQ),教学材料清单(TMI)和数学成绩测试)用于数据收集。 SMQ改编自Sokun(1998),并由研究人员重新验证,而SMQ和TMI由研究人员构建和验证。研究结果表明,预测变量与标准之间存在线性关系;预测变量与学生在基础数学中的成绩的结合产生了与学生在基础数学中的成绩的多重相关系数0.574。 0.574的多重相关性表明,预测因子与学生的基础数学成绩之间存在中等关系;这意味着从四(4)个预测变量的集合中得出的回归方程可以可靠地预测学生的数学成绩。四个预测变量占学生在基础数学成绩中观察到的差异的30.7%;只有数学恐惧症对预测模型有显着贡献,而其余预测变量的贡献则不显着。该研究建议向奥约州各基础学校等提供充足的教材。



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