首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >The Effectiveness of Student Extracurricular Activities in Evaluating Violent Behavior among Students in the Preparatory Year at Hail University

The Effectiveness of Student Extracurricular Activities in Evaluating Violent Behavior among Students in the Preparatory Year at Hail University




This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of student extracurricular activities in evaluating violent behavior among students in the preparatory year at Hail University. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method, and used two tools for the purpose of the study, the study sample consisted of 104 (violent) female students from the preparatory year.The results of the study showed that the practice of (violent) students in the preparatory year in the areas of extracurricular activities at the University of Hail in the experimental group / pretreatment was very low, and that the students practice in the same group / post treatment was significant. While, the results of the study showed that the practice of (violent) students in the preparatory year in the areas of extracurricular activities at the University of Hail in the control group / pretreatment was very low, and that the students practice in the same group / post treatment was very low. The results of the study also indicated equality between the two groups of the study in violent behavior before using student extracurricular activities. Also, the results suggested that the use of student extracurricular activities had a significant impact in assessing violent behavior among students in the preparatory year at Hail University.The study concluded several recommendations, including: The continued implementation of student extracurricular activities and intentionally involving violent students in them, directing the efforts of universities administration and deanships of student affairs towards raising the level of participation among (violent) students of the preparatory year in the student activities, improving the performance of student activities supervisors at the university by establishing workshops and training sessions, providing the appropriate number of social workers, informing violent female students about extracurricular activities through announcement, involving violent students in the planning process and expressing their desires about student activities, and cooperation with families in the assessment of violent behavior in their daughters and raising their awareness about the risks of this behavior on the individual, family and society.



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