首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electrophoresis >Protein fractionation for proteomics using the SAINOME-plate

Protein fractionation for proteomics using the SAINOME-plate




The SAINOME-plate consists of a 384-well plate and a cover that contains a cutter, which can cut a polyacrylamide gel into approximately 4.5-mm square pieces following electrophoresis. In this study, we applied SDS-PAGE and the SAINOME-plate to fractionation of protein mixtures from cell extracts or serum for proteomic approaches. Compared with gel-fractionation using a cutter or a scalpel, SAINOME-plate gel-fractionation is simpler and higher-throughput. In terms of reproducibility of proteomic profiling, SAINOME-plate gel-fractionation was comparable to scalpel gel-fractionation. Additionally, human keratin contamination was lower with the SAINOME-plate than with a scalpel. In serum protein fractionation, the number of proteins identified increased approximately 2-fold and 3.7-fold relative to non-fractionation when the gel was divided into 8 and 96 fractions, respectively. The results demonstrate that the SAINOME-plate gel-fractionation will be a useful method in mass spectrometry-based proteomics.
机译:SAINOME板由384孔板和包含切刀的盖组成,切刀可以在电泳后将聚丙烯酰胺凝胶切成约4.5 mm的正方形片。在这项研究中,我们将SDS-PAGE和SAINOME-plate应用于从细胞提取物或血清中分离蛋白质混合物的蛋白质组学方法。与使用切割器或手术刀进行凝胶分离相比,SAINOME-plate凝胶分离更简单,通量更高。在蛋白质组分析的可重复性方面,SAINOME-plate凝胶分离技术可媲美手术刀凝胶分离技术。另外,与手术刀相比,使用SAINOME板的人角蛋白污染更低。在血清蛋白分级分离中,将凝胶分别分为8级和96级时,相对于非分级分离,鉴定出的蛋白质数量增加了约2倍和3.7倍。结果表明,SAINOME板凝胶分级分离将是基于质谱的蛋白质组学的有用方法。



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