首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electrophoresis >Electrophoretic analysis of various urinary proteins in Japanese patients with Dent disease

Electrophoretic analysis of various urinary proteins in Japanese patients with Dent disease




Patients with Dent disease excrete high amounts of urinary α1-microglobulin (α1-m), β2-microglobulin (β2-m), and retinol-binding protein (RBP). We found that the levels of α1-m, β2-m, and RBP in patients with Dent disease were higher than those in healthy subjects by 20 times, 130 times, and 200 times, respectively. These results confirmed the results of previous studies. The cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis (CAE) showed that the characteristics of the urinary protein fraction in patients with Dent disease included appearance of pre-albumin, low albumin value, equal α1-globulin (α1-G) and α2-globulin (α2-G) values, disappearance of β-globulin (β-G), and appearance of slow α2-G (RBP) and slow β-G (β2-m). Urinary albumin (ALB), α1-m, β2-m, and RBP of patients with Dent disease 1 (mutation of CLCN 5) and Dent disease 2 (mutation of OCRL 1) and of healthy subjects were identified using western blot analysis after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Six bands from 84 kDa to 130 kDa were detected in addition to a main band of ALB (67 kDa). Seven bands from 51 kDa to 92 kDa were detected in addition to a main band of α1-m (34 kDa). A 17-kDa band was detected in addition to a main band of β2-m (14 kDa). RBP was detected only in the main band (17 kDa). The ALB and α1-m bands, which were in the high molecular weight range in addition to the main band, were densely stained in Dent disease 2.
机译:登特氏病患者排泄大量尿α 1 -微球蛋白(α 1 -m),β 2 -微球蛋白(β 2 -m)和视黄醇结合蛋白(RBP)。我们发现Dent病患者的α 1 -m,β 2 -m和RBP的水平分别比健康受试者高20倍,130倍,分别为200次。这些结果证实了先前研究的结果。醋酸纤维素膜电泳(CAE)显示Dent病患者的尿蛋白成分特征为白蛋白前外观,白蛋白值低,α 1 -球蛋白(α 1 -G)和α 2 -球蛋白(α 2 -G)的值,β-球蛋白(β-G)的消失和缓慢出现α 2 -G(RBP)和慢β-G(β 2 -m)。 Dent病1(CLCN 5突变)和Dent病2(突变)的患者尿白蛋白(ALB),α 1 -m,β 2 -m和RBP在十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)后,使用蛋白质印迹分析鉴定了OCRL 1)和健康受试者。除了ALB的主要条带(67 kDa)之外,还检测到了从84 kDa到130 kDa的六个条带。除了α 1 -m主带(34 kDa)外,还检测到七个从51 kDa到92 kDa的带。除β 2 -m主谱带(14 kDa)外,还检测到17 kDa谱带。仅在主频带(17 kDa)中检测到RBP。在Dent疾病2中,除了主带外,还在高分子量范围内的ALB和α 1 -m带均被密集染色。



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