首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical sleep medicine: JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine >Gestational Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Biomarker Screening Models and Lack of Postpartum Resolution

Gestational Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Biomarker Screening Models and Lack of Postpartum Resolution




Study Objectives:To measure prevalence and severity of third trimester obstructive sleep apnea and evaluate postpartum resolution. To assess a novel biomarker for screening for obstructive sleep apnea in pregnancy.Methods:This prospective observational study was performed at Wake Forest School of Medicine obstetrics clinics between April 2014 and December 2015. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide measurements and sleep studies were obtained and compared at 32 0/7 to 35 6/7 weeks gestation and postpartum. Exhaled nitric oxide and risk factors for the development of gestational sleep apnea were evaluated for predictive ability independently and in screening models.Results:Of 76 women enrolled, 73 performed valid sleep studies in pregnancy and 65 had an additional valid study 6 to 15 weeks postpartum. Twenty-four women (37%) had gestational sleep apnea compared with 23 (35%) with postpartum sleep apnea (P .99). Eight of 11 women (73%) retested 6 to 8 months postpartum had persistent sleep apnea. Exhaled nitric oxide had moderate discrimination screening for sleep apnea in pregnancy (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.64). A model utilizing exhaled nitric oxide, pregnancy-specific screening, and Mallampati score improved ability to identify women at risk for gestational sleep apnea (sensitivity = 46%, specificity = 91% and likelihood ratio = 5.11, area under receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.75).Conclusions:Obstructive sleep apnea is common in the early postpartum period and often persisted at least 6 months. Exhaled nitric oxide as a sole biomarker to screen for sleep apnea in pregnancy has only modest discrimination. Combined with additional parameters sensitivity and specificity improved.
机译:研究目的:测量妊娠晚期阻塞性呼吸暂停的患病率和严重程度,并评估产后分辨力。方法:这项前瞻性观察性研究是在2014年4月至2015年12月间于威克森林医学院产科诊所进行的。这项前瞻性观察性研究是通过对呼出气一氧化氮的测量和睡眠研究进行比较的,并在2002年进行了比较。妊娠和产后32 0/7至35 6/7周。对呼出气中的一氧化氮和妊娠睡眠呼吸暂停发生危险因素进行独立评估和筛选模型。结果:纳入的76名妇女中,有73名在怀孕期间进行了有效的睡眠研究,另有65名在产后6至15周进行了另一项有效的研究。 。 24名妇女(37%)患有妊娠睡眠呼吸暂停,而产后睡眠呼吸暂停则为23名(35%)(P> .99)。在产后6至8个月复查的11名女性中有8名(73%)患有持续性睡眠呼吸暂停。呼出气一氧化氮对孕妇的睡眠呼吸暂停有中等程度的筛查(接受者工作特征曲线下的面积= 0.64)。使用呼出气一氧化氮,特定于妊娠的筛查和Mallampati评分的模型可提高识别处于妊娠睡眠呼吸暂停风险中的妇女的能力(敏感性= 46%,特异性= 91%,可能性比= 5.11,接受者操作特征曲线下的面积= 0.75结论:阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停在产后早期很常见,通常持续至少6个月。呼出气一氧化氮作为筛查孕妇睡眠呼吸暂停的唯一生物标志物仅具有中等程度的辨别力。结合其他参数提高了灵敏度和特异性。



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