首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business and Economic Development >The Effect of Employee Turnover on the Performance of Zoomlion Ghana Limited

The Effect of Employee Turnover on the Performance of Zoomlion Ghana Limited




The purpose of this study was to identify the causes of employee turnover; examine the effect of labour turnover on performance of the organizational and identify strategies for reducing employee turnover in Zoomlion Ghana Limited. A descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted among 120 purposively selected employees of Zoomlion in Ho Township. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were computed. Results show that "lack of motivation influence their decision to leave" "lack of good working conditions", "lack of recognition of one's effort", "lack of staff training and development", "work loaded is too much", "unfair management treatment", "low career development opportunities", "pursue of higher education", "lack of promotional opportunities", "higher salary has influence my exit", "poor quality of job training", "lack of proper supervision", and "poor chances of improving skills" are the causes of labour turnover in Zoomlion Ghana Limited. The study also establishes that on "Loss of productivity", "Reduce profitability of business", "High cost of training and recruiting new employees", "Management frustration" and "Decline in service quality" are the effect of labour turnover on organization performance. Also "Rewarding employees for long service", "Management institute flexible time schedules for employees", and "Free health care for employees" are the strategies being adopted by management to reduce employee turnover. The study therefore recommends that recognition for significant accomplishment, chance of advancement and giving opportunity to grow and career development has to be taken in to consideration. Also, proper treatment of employees, enhanced pay, and fair promotion will increase employee responsibility. Therefore, management should properly treat the employees.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定员工离职的原因。检查劳动力流动对组织绩效的影响,并确定中联重科加纳有限公司减少员工流动的策略。在Ho镇对120名故意选择的中联重科员工进行了描述性横断面调查。描述性统计和推论统计均被计算。结果表明,“缺乏动力会影响他们离开的决定”,“缺乏良好的工作条件”,“缺乏对自己努力的认可”,“缺乏员工培训和发展”,“工作量过多”,“管理不公”待遇”,“职业发展机会低”,“追求高等教育”,“缺乏晋升机会”,“高薪已影响我的退出”,“职业培训质量差”,“缺乏适当的监督”和“提升技能的机会不大”是中联重科加纳有限公司劳动力更替的原因。该研究还确定,在“生产力损失”,“降低业务盈利能力”,“培训和招聘新员工的高成本”,“管理挫败感”和“服务质量下降”上,是人员流动对组织绩效的影响。 。管理层还采用了“奖励长期服务的员工”,“管理机构为员工制定灵活的时间表”和“为员工提供免费医疗保健”的策略,以减少员工流失。因此,该研究建议必须考虑到对重大成就,升迁机会以及成长和职业发展机会的认可。此外,对员工的适当对待,加薪和公平晋升将增加员工的责任感。因此,管理层应适当对待员工。



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