首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Artificial General Intelligence >The AGINAO Self-Programming Engine

The AGINAO Self-Programming Engine




The AGINAO is a project to create a human-level artificial general intelligence system (HL AGI)embodied in the Aldebaran Robotics' NAO humanoid robot. The dynamical and open-endedcognitive engine of the robot is represented by an embedded and multi-threaded control program,that is self-crafted rather than hand-crafted, and is executed on a simulated Universal TuringMachine (UTM). The actual structure of the cognitive engine emerges as a result of placing therobot in a natural preschool-like environment and running a core start-up system that executesself-programming of the cognitive layer on top of the core layer. The data from the robot's sensorydevices supplies the training samples for the machine learning methods, while the commands sentto actuators enable testing hypotheses and getting a feedback. The individual self-createdsubroutines are supposed to reflect the patterns and concepts of the real world, while the overallprogram structure reflects the spatial and temporal hierarchy of the world dependencies. Thispaper focuses on the details of the self-programming approach, limiting the discussion of theapplied cognitive architecture to a necessary minimum.
机译:AGINAO是一个项目,旨在创建体现在Aldebaran Robotics的NAO类人机器人中的人类级人工智能系统(HL AGI)。机器人的动态和开放式认知引擎由嵌入式和多线程控制程序表示,该程序是自行设计而非手工制作的,并在模拟的通用图灵机(UTM)上执行。认知引擎的实际结构是将机器人放置在自然的类似于学龄前儿童的环境中并运行一个核心启动系统的结果,该系统在核心层之上执行认知层的自编程。来自机器人感官设备的数据为机器学习方法提供了训练样本,而发送给执行器的命令则可以测试假设并获得反馈。各个自我创建的子例程应该反映现实世界的模式和概念,而总体程序结构则反映世界依赖关系的时空层次。本文着重于自编程方法的细节,将对应用认知体系结构的讨论限制在必要的最低限度。



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