首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biological Control >A Report on the Natural Incidence of?Puccinia noccae?on the Exotic Weed?Lagascea mollis?in India

A Report on the Natural Incidence of?Puccinia noccae?on the Exotic Weed?Lagascea mollis?in India

机译:印度异色杂草(Lagascea mollis)在印度洋上的“ Puccinia noccae”自然发生率的报告



Lagascea mollis?(=Nocca mollis (Cav.) Jacq. commonly known as Velvet weed or Silk leaf weed) is native of Tropical Central America and is an invasive annual herb belonging to the family Asteraceae. It is found to occur in most parts of the country, grows on cultivated land and in pastures along field bunds, roadsides and channels. It grows throughout the year but appears severe in the late Kharif (monsoon) and early Rabi (winter) seasons (July to November) natural infection by the rust pathogen, identified as?Puccinia noccae?was found to occur on the weed in and around the fields of Jabalpur district. The pathogen survives as dormant teliospores and on favorable climatic conditions produces the uredospores, which are the pathogenic stage of its life cycle. The disease appears as scattered dull brown individual spots on the underside of the leaves, which later develops into rusty brown raised spots containing the urediniospores. The pathogen affects the green leaves and the bracts. General observations and host range studies indicated that P. noccae is highly specific on?L. mollis?and hence may be used as a biocontrol agent against?L. mollis.
机译:Lagascea mollis(= Nocca mollis(Cav。)Jacq。通常被称为天鹅绒杂草或丝叶杂草)是中美洲热带植物,是一种入侵的一年生草本植物,隶属于菊科。它被发现发生在该国大部分地区,生长在耕地和沿外滩,路边和河道的牧场中。它全年生长,但在哈里夫(季风)晚期和拉比(冬季)早期(7月至11月)季节被锈病病原体自然感染,被发现为“ Puccinia noccae”。贾巴尔普尔地区的田野。病原体以休眠的芽孢子存活,并在有利的气候条件下产生了芽孢子,这是其生命周期的致病阶段。该病表现为在叶的下侧散布着无光泽的褐色斑点,后来逐渐发展成生锈的褐色凸起斑点,其中含有复生孢子。病原体影响绿叶和the片。一般观察和寄主范围研究表明,夜蛾对菌具有高度特异性。分子,因此可以用作抗?L的生物防治剂。 mollis。



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