首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biological Control >Bioefficacy of Peat Formulation of Bacterial Antagonists on Growth Promotion and Disease Suppression in Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum?Maton)

Bioefficacy of Peat Formulation of Bacterial Antagonists on Growth Promotion and Disease Suppression in Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum?Maton)

机译:细菌拮抗剂的泥炭配方对豆蔻(Elettaria cardamomum?Maton)的生长促进和疾病抑制的生物功效。



Among the 90 rhizobacterial isolates screened against capsule rot pathogen of cardamom?Phytophthora meadii?Mc Rae two bacterial strains viz.,?Pseudomonas fluorescens?Pf 51 and Bacillus subtilis Bs were found highly inhibitory. Strain Pf 51 exhibited highest inhibition (40.2%) against?P. meadii. Similarly?B.subtilis?strain Bs also exhibited highest inhibition (39.7%) against?P. meadii.?P. fluorescens strain Pf51 was found compatible with strain?B. subtilis?Bs. Application of antagonists both Pf 51 and Bs in combination with rhizome bacterization and soil application resulted in 60% reduction of capsule infection over control as compared to single methods such as rhizome bacterization (53%) and soil application (46%). Application of copper oxy chloride resulted in 73% reduction of capsule infection. Maximum height (169.7cm) and number of tillers (36.3) were recorded due to the application of mixture of both the strains through rhizome bacterization and soil application.
机译:在针对豆蔻,腐烂的疫霉和麦克雷的荚膜腐烂病原体进行筛选的90种根瘤菌中,发现有两个细菌菌株,即荧光假单胞菌Pf 51和枯草芽孢杆菌Bs具有高度的抑制作用。 Pf 51菌株对ΔP表现出最高的抑制作用(40.2%)。 meadii。同样,枯草芽孢杆菌菌株Bs也表现出对βP的最高抑制作用(39.7%)。 meadii。?发现荧光菌株Pf51与菌株?B相容。枯草杆菌与根茎杀菌(53%)和土壤施用(46%)等单一方法相比,将Pf 51和Bs拮抗剂与根茎杀菌和土壤施用相结合可导致胶囊感染较对照减少60%。氯氧化铜的使用导致胶囊感染减少了73%。由于通过根茎杀菌和土壤施用两种菌株的混合物,记录了最大高度(169.7cm)和分till数(36.3)。



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