首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering >Delivering Medical Products to Quarantined Regions Using UnmannedAerial Vehicles

Delivering Medical Products to Quarantined Regions Using UnmannedAerial Vehicles




Unmanned aerial Vehicles (UAVs) possess the capacity to transport goods quickly, safely, and inexpensively across both accessible and inaccessible terrains such as to stranded mountain climbers or boats adrift. Medical supplies are typically delivered by ground transport as well as aircraft, both fixed and rotor wing. During emergencies, the availability of blood products and pharmaceuticals is often limited at critical access hospitals, and conventional channels of supply may become disrupted. This article aims to demonstrate the feasibility of using small UAVs to transport pharmaceutical products to epidemic-stricken regions.A Syma X5-c quadcopter was loaded with a sample drug. Using its accompanying transmitter, the drone was flown from a base location to a pre-determined delivery location. Upon successful delivery of the drug, the drone was navigated back to base by the operator. Future improvements to the drone model include facial identification system to verify recipients before delivery, auto-pilot control of drone with the aid of an on-board computer program and a GPS unit, real-time picture, and video relay/transmission back to control station, and autonomous delivery of drug without requiring physical contact from the recipient.
机译:无人飞行器(UAV)具有在可进入和不可进入的地形上快速,安全且廉价地运输货物的能力,例如被困的登山者或漂流的船只。医疗用品通常通过地面运输以及飞机(固定翼和旋翼)运输。在紧急情况下,关键的出入医院经常会限制血液制品和药品的供应,并且传统的供应渠道可能会中断。本文旨在演示使用小型无人机将药品运输到疫情严重地区的可行性。Syma X5-c四轴飞行器装有样品药物。使用附带的发射器,将无人机从基本位置飞行到预定的交付位置。成功交付药物后,操作员会将无人机导航回基地。无人机模型的未来改进包括:面部识别系统,用于在交付之前验证接收者;借助机载计算机程序和GPS单元对无人机进行自动驾驶控制;实时图片;以及将视频中继/传输回控制站,并在不需要接收者身体接触的情况下自动分发药物。



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